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operational benchmarking
By AIDEN GOH 3,378 views

The Role of Operational Benchmarking in Enhancing Business Efficiency

To stay in the game, companies are facing a lot of challenges these days that includes longer sale cycles, declining revenues and a narrowing budget. In such turbulent times, one can take the help of operational benchmarking tools to improve their efficiency. A benchmarking platform is one of the easiest ways you can steer your company to a path of exponential growth.

Benefits of Operational Benchmarking:

When it comes to adopting a structured approach operational benchmarking is your friend if you want to assess the efficiency quotient of your firm. It also helps you to identify and document the gaps that are bringing down your numbers in the metrics. That being said, let us take a look at some of the benefits of operational benchmarking:

  • Enhances your knowledge – Operational benchmarking gives you the opportunity to learn from your mistakes and from the success of your competitors.
  • Helps make objective decisions – It is a proven way to make informed decisions when it comes to improving the performance of a company. It is so as one has access to hard, quantifiable data that when implemented will deliver noticeable results.
  • Improves the core processes of your business – Operational benchmarking, similar to other benchmarking processes helps entrepreneurs to minimize irrelevant efforts that are draining resources financially.
  • Helps keep your stakeholders happy – Keeping your stakeholders happy is the one and only way to make your company future proof. When one talks about stakeholders, they are not only considering their TA/customers but also their workforce. Keeping both engaged and happy is the way of the wise.
  • Enables you to stay motivated and competitive – When one is comparing the metrics of their company with that of their competitors, they are taking the path less taken that can help them to stay motivated and competitive. As stated earlier, learning for one’s mistakes and striving to minimize the same from happening in the future is the winner’s way.

How benchmarking can make a business more efficient?

One of the easiest ways a company can achieve its planned goals in minimal time delay is by working their best to bring their overall standards that are at par with international levels. That being said, here are a few ways benchmarking can help you improve the efficiency of your business:

It helps in making necessary changes in core business policies:

In case a company is lacking certain critical pointers in its business policy which can create confusion in certain high-risk business transactions, it can result in a certain drop in trust from its stakeholders. Take for example, if a company has failed to include a particular clause in its business policy where it allows them to deactivate their transactions with underperforming vendors, at a certain point of time they will end up with an unmanageable number of vendors.

Helps upgrade the infrastructure of your company:

Automation is the key to success these days. In case a company is lacking automation tools in its infrastructure like an efficient ERP solution for managing its inventory, it might be lagging behind when compared to that of its much younger competitor(s). Operational benchmarking helps in pointing out the shortcomings in the infrastructure of a business so that the same can be rectified when the time is still there.


After giving the above section a read it is evident that operational benchmarking is one of the many ways you can keep your company in the game while competing with the big players. If you want to increase the potential of your business by making it more efficient, operational benchmarking is the key to that.

Aiden Goh

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