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Read Bubble Sheets
By RICHA AHUJA 7,108 views

How to use OMR scanner Software to Read Bubble Sheets?

Bubble sheet also known as OMR sheet has long been used to conduct academic tests, carry out surveys and create various types of forms. They are designed with a specific bubble format which are relevantly filled by the student or form holder and then the bubble sheet further gets processed to acquire results out of it.

OMR Sheet processing involves total of five steps- Designing, printing, scanning, reading and evaluation. Earlier sheet scanning used to be done using a separate OMR scanner that used to be bulky and moreover expensive. Today, though you can use any normal flatbed scanner along with bubble sheet reader software to scan any type of OMR sheet.

Even though using OMR scanner software is not that tough as it was with conventional bubble sheet scanners, still we are giving you step by step instructions on how to integrate and use OMR scanner with your bubble sheet checker software.

Step 1

First of all install the bubble sheet reader software on your computer. It is a quick process and an installation wizard will guide you through the complete steps of installation. Once the installation is over open the software and start creating bubble sheet using many features available. When you are done with designing of the bubble sheet go to the next step of printing it.

Step 2

Now assign the printed bubble sheets to relevant candidates for test or for filling the forms. The types of test questions that you can create on bubble sheets are multiple choice (MCQ), true or false and Likert scale.

Step 3

Now comes the scanning part. For scanning the bubble sheets you need to follow a set procedure:

  • Attach any normal flatbed/MFP/ADF scanner with the computer and integrate it with the software.
  • Now look for “scan” option on the panel and select it.
  • The scanner can be directly used from the “scan” option and you don’t need to operate it separately. All the scanner settings are directly controlled from this option.
  • You will also find an option that says “scan and read”. Selecting this option will enable the automatic bubble sheet reading feature to start functioning as soon as the scanning will be finished.
  • Once the scanning of sheets is over you can upload the scanned documents into the software that will further start the reading procedure.
  • After the documents are uploaded in the bubble sheet checker software, it will create a spreadsheet or data base which can be later analyzed easily.

Step 4

In this final phase the bubble sheet reader software gives the analyzed report of the data collected. You can further download the analyzed report in any format and save it any type of file.

Bubble sheet checker software comes with an in-built AI feature that works in two ways:

  • First of all, it can detect cheating in the answer sheet on the basis of percentage of repetitive similar answers.
  • Secondly, it can detect the wrong answer key.


With this step by step informative guide on how to use OMR scanner software to read bubble sheet, you will get a proper idea on how to go about it. It is not a very difficult process and is much better than wasting money and time on those bulky OMR sheet scanners.

Richa Ahuja

Richa Ahuja is a professional writer, Working for OMR Home which is a leading OMR Software Solution provider. Richa has attained an expertise of writing in every genre. Original ideas and genuine content are her forte. Forming a catchy writing style that is appealing to the readers and covering every informative knowledge that can be utilized in the content is a priority.

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