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By GRACIE HART 2,825 views

Numberle – A Fun Game For Math Lovers

Are you a Math lover? Like solving puzzles? Then, Numberle is a perfect game for you. Just like Scrabble is for word game enthusiasts, Numberle is for mathletes and puzzle solvers. The game is perfect to make your brain exercise and put it to work. From boosting your brain functionality to enhancing your thinking skills, this mind game work wonders for your mental well-being. It involves a lot of suspense and other elements that make the game more interesting at each level.

This number game is somewhat similar to Wordle—a popular word game played by millions of people across the world. Just like Wordle, Numberle is a grid-style board game that has a limited number of guesses to solve the puzzle. However, the main difference between the two games is that instead of letters, there are numbers, symbols, and equations in the Numberle game. The best thing about this number game is that you can play it as many times as you want without waiting for 24 hours to reset.

There is a lot more about Numberle that may excite many math lovers.

In this blog, we have mentioned key details about Numberle to help you understand this number game in the best way possible.

Without further delay, let’s get started.

What Is Numberle?

As mentioned above, Numberle is a well-known online number game that involves numbers and symbols to form valid equations. You have only 6 guesses to solve the puzzle. The numbers and symbols that don’t appear in the equation are highlighted in gray color, the ones that are in the wrong position are orange in color and lastly, those in the right place appear green in color. 

All you need to do is make a valid equation like 4+2+7=14. You can choose any numbers from 0 to 9 and operators like +, -, *, ÷, and = to form a valid equation.

Where To Play Numberle?

If you are interested in playing Numberle, you can click here. It is an online game that you can play on your desktop, tablet, or phone. All you need to have is good internet connectivity. This board game has a 6×8 grid where 6 represents a number of rows and 8 for columns. 

You can play as many games as you want in one day. Finish a game, click refresh and start a new game. Plus, the game gives you the flexibility to choose the difficulty of the equation, make up your own puzzles and compete with your friends. You can even challenge other players to make the game more intense and interesting.

Rules Of This Number Game


Some of the basic rules of Numberle are

  • Your guess is approved only if you have formed a valid equation.
  • There must be one “=” in each guess.
  • You can use any number from 0 to 9 and operators like +, -, *, ÷, and = to form an equation. 
  • There must be a number to the right of the “=” in the equation. 
  • The right order matters. For instance, if the solution is 11+10=21, then you cannot use 10+11=21. 
  • Use unique numbers and operators to identify all the right characters.
  • Place “=” at the right position.

Tips To Play Numberle Like A Pro

Some of the tips to master the Numberle game are

  • Use Unique Numbers

In the first few turns, make sure to use unique numbers and symbols. Make longer equations to make it easy for you to discover correct numbers and operators.

  • The Right Order Matters

As per the game rules, you cannot implement the commutative property into the equations. For instance, if 2+3*5=17 is the right equation, you cannot use 2+5*3=17. You need to arrange the numbers in the right order to solve the puzzle. 

  • Each Move Matters

Make each move count to boost your chances of winning the game. Initially, only the numbers and operators matter but not their position.

Once you have got all the numbers and symbols right, focus on the ‘=’ symbol. Then rearrange the numbers to find the right green tiles. Make sure not to repeat numbers. 

You can view your scores by clicking on the statistics icon located in the top right corner. Apart from scores, you can learn about the number of games played, games won, percentage of wins, and many other things.

In The End… 

Above all, you can set the difficulty level of the game as per your choice. This number game can be as easy or as hard as you want. You can even share or save the puzzle. 

So, what are you thinking of? Go online and enjoy playing the Numberle game with your buddies or other players. 

Gracie Hart

Freelance Writer, Digital Marketer, and Content Writer

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