Modern lifestyle made us a machine which not only works for hours, but also its negative effects can be seen on our health, physically, psychologically, and socially. Humans are meant to be cherished their life because you only live once. There are people who love to communicate to their soul and your next question will be how? Did you hear the various sounds of nature? Be it the Chirping of Sparrows in the first light of day, the sounds of ocean waves, Rain drops, water falling over a mountain and there are many more. If we pay close attention to our mother nature then you will realize that harmony, rhythm created by her own. You got it Right!!!! It’s Music which gives you peace of mind and soulfulness. Many great musicians marked their presence in the world because they felt it from their heart like Nina Kotova a marvelous Russian American cellist.
An artist, musician from the heart, Nina Kotova given her life’s first show as a soloist with orchestra at the age 11. She made her Western debut at the Wigmore Hall, performed at the Barbican Centre in London in 1996. Her bestselling debut album for Philips Classics released and made her Carnegie Hall debut in 1999. She performed in recital and a soloist with the well known orchestra across the globe. As a Musician she got the distinction of performing live in a broadcast from Red Square in Moscow, for the Imperial family of Japan and at Buckingham Palace in a special performance for Prince Charles.
Nina Kotova internationally recognized as a splendid cellist of her generation. She often gives performances as a soloist with symphony orchestra in US, UK and Japan. She is the lady who has touched the heights of seriousness and real talent in music. Her collaboration with various other artists and musicians marked in the sky. Nina is someone who is full of seriousness about her passion of music. She has achieved the brilliancy of playing the cello a unique instrument which reflects the enigmatic qualities of human souls. Kotova playing takes you in the other world. It is seductive, influential and engages you for hours.
Nina Kotova married to Barrett Wissman an entrepreneur, principal owner of IMG artists and founder of many Arts events in 2001. They both have given a new meaning to Arts and Music. Nina Kotova has managed the Tuscan Sun Festival held in Italy and has been awarded for promoting music and arts.
Nina Kotova is a born cellist with distinction. She has gifted mind blowing music to the world. A Lady who has passion, seriousness and talent. Music connects us to our souls, but when your soul is already bound to music, then we get artist like Nina Kotova.
[…] An artist, musician from the heart, Nina Kotova given her life’s first show as a soloist with orchestra at the age 11. She made her Western debut at the Wigmore Hall, performed at the Barbican Centre in London in 1996. Her bestselling debut album for Philips Classics released and made her Carnegie Hall debut in 1999. She performed in recital and a soloist with the well known orchestra across the globe. As a Musician she got the distinction of performing live in a broadcast from Red Square in Moscow, for the Imperial family of Japan and at Buckingham Palace in a special performance for Prince Charles.. […]