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never link to bad website
By PINTU KUMAR 2,112 views

Never Link To Bad Website And Getting Penalized From Google

If you are doing link building for your website this post is for you if you’re building links never link to bad spamming websites otherwise your website will be penalized by google and other search engines if you don’t how link-building works you can choose the best SEO company.

The bottom line is – “If you link to sites that Google has banned for spam, you run the risk of being banned for linking to a bad neighbor.”

So first we should know what a bad neighborhood is and how we can know that a website is a bad neighborhood to link to before you get penalized by search engines.

Bad neighbors are websites that use unethical methods to get high rankings or are banned by search engines for spamming. You should not link to a website if it uses unethical methods to achieve high search engine rankings, spamming may work for them now but I bet not for a long time. Once the search engines know that they are spamming, they will be banned and the sites linking to those sites may be penalized by lowering their rankings or even banned.

How search engines understand whether a page should be banned is a matter of contention and changes from time to time. Today the methodology may be fine, but tomorrow (in the next update) it may be considered unethical.

Google is one of the search engines that can very quickly classify sites as spam and can catch you as soon as you do. If you exchange links with a site that has a PR 7 but uses unethical methods so… what happens, it may work for you now and you may also receive a PR 6 once google catches that site. You can see your PR 0 in the next update.

You may have heard of the ad network company, SearchKing. Their concept was to place text ads on pages that have a high PR score and use that PR as a way to measure some of the value of the ad. An ad from a page with a PageRank of 7 costs more than an ad from a page that had a PageRank of 6.

However, in Google’s PageRank analysis system, this network had another effect. When a high PR site links to a low PR site, some of the importance is transferred to the low PR site. Now, if a high PR site feels like another site that deserves a link because of the content, that’s okay because it’s a natural way to build PR. However, in this case, they linked to low-quality sites for a fee, and as a result of Google’s PR analysis, these sites were considered important.

It was possible that after a certain period of time, these less valuable pages would start to reach the top positions in the results, which would eventually affect the quality of Google results. If they gave this company special treatment, the search results would be so confused that they would lose their relevance after a while. It was a threat to Google’s successful business model.

It is obvious that Google has penalized the site. SearchKing, an ad network website received a PageRank Zero penalty in the latest Google update. The main pages of the network of all hosted sites saw their PageRank cut in half. These were the sites that had high PR.

Their problem was that they tried to sell and transfer the advantage of high PR to sites that may not be that important.

So how do I classify who is a bad neighbor and who isn’t?

In this article, we have already mentioned some of the practices that are the reason why search engines ban specific pages. But the sins are not limited to being a spam domain. Generally, companies get blacklisted because they try to boost their rankings by using illegal techniques like keyword stuffing, duplicate content (or lack of any original content), hidden text and links, landing pages, misleading titles, auto-generated pages, etc. Also, search engines usually don’t like pointless link directories that give the impression of being themed, so if you have a thick links section on your site, check what you’re linking to.

If you have outbound links to many different sites, such checks can take a lot of time. Fortunately, there are tools that can help you with this task.

Link Relevance

SEO and search engine experts consistently tell us that link importance is determined by page rank and relevance to our website. Therefore, only relevant links should be considered when developing a link strategy. This is another website that is linked to our website. For example, I run a website dedicated to providing a range of cleaning services to commercial customers across the UK, so the relevant site is either a supplier of cleaning machines or a supplier of cleaning chemicals. No other cleaning companies for the obvious reason that they are our direct competitors.

pintu kumar

I'm Pintu Kumar an SEO professional who loves all things about search engines. In his free time, he likes to watch football and read books

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