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Storage and Removal Service

8 Tips to Move Office like a Pro

Moving your office is just similar to moving to a new abode. It is just that moving to an abode does not involve obstructing operations while moving an office does. And you cannot possibly stop operations for a week or so just because you have to move it. It would be just too unprofessional and a big finger on the company’s credibility.

Therefore, this prospect of moving an office is perhaps a very daunting task. To make things easy and smooth, we bring forth eight tips that will help you move it out like a pro. The list, however, is endless but our aim is to make you aware of the most common issues you might face during the process.

So, are you ready?

No! We are not talking about the early risers here. That sure is good too but the point here is to be early planners. You cannot just get up and start doing it! It is human nature to underestimate the power of planning early. But we cannot stress enough how vital it is when it comes to, especially moving an office to a new location.

So, pull out a diary and a pen and take a deep breath. Start noting down what and how will you execute the moving and delegate tasks. This pre-planning will save you from the horror of packing those staplers or devising a strategy to transport those big printers just a night before. Be sure to design an appropriate time frame for more clarity as to within how many days the whole process should be over. Furthermore, we suggest that you start planning at least three months before making the big move.

  • Label it up:

Labeling the boxes you pack your stuff in is essential. This will allow you to keep the operations running both during and after the move. For it to be effective, make sure you have a corresponding sheet to tally the boxes from. It looks like a lot of work but trust us when we say it will smoothen the process of moving.

  • The moving manager:

No matter how much you have the work delegated, there is always a need of a hand for the supervision of the fact that everything is going as planned. This is where a moving manager comes into the equation! Appointing one would mean a catalyst which will facilitate the move. Make sure you hire one with stellar administrative skills and someone with past experience in commercial relocations.

  • The details:

The matter of relocating should be a result of a well thought-out process and not a decision made in haste. It should be done keeping in mind the company culture and the way it operates. To put things in perspective, each and everything is important. From the location, price, to how much room there is for expansion to whether or not it will align with how the organisation functions; make sure you have everything well taken care of. Who, after all, relocates every now and then? So, a cost-benefit analysis would never hurt.

  • Seek help from a moving company:

It is always okay to ask for help. And when it comes to moving an office, we highly recommend to at least explore three options before choosing one. All you to do is look for one which is insured and licensed. Speaking of this, if you are an organisation comparatively on a good budget, then hire service for pretty much everything. For instance, Storage and Removal Service by F&M Bennett & Son does everything from packing, unpacking to unloading stuff. Hiring the right moving service company will only alleviate the stress and that is all the owner cares about at such a crucial point.

  • Be smart with the packing:

If you have made a move in the past then you must be aware that being strategic with the packing is of paramount importance. The first rule of an efficient packing is discarding things which no longer serve any purpose considering the fact that they only pile up and eventually form a clutter. Once the trashy stuff is tossed out, you will know exactly what to move and how to move. Then, box up the things you won’t need on an immediate base, such as seasonal equipment or office supplies and old filing cabinets.

Moreover, colour-coded packing will only ease up the process. This way everyone will know what stuff belongs to which room. Therefore, assign each department a colour and ensure that all the packing is being done in accordance with the colours assigned.

  • Keep up the communication:

It is important to communicate with all the stakeholders, clients, partners, and employees and notify them about the relocation. Any negative effect on the stakeholders as a result of the moving can lead the organisation in hot waters.

In case of any expected inconveniences, it is then way too crucial to have everyone informed who may have to bear a direct impact. The employees especially should be informed beforehand about anything and everything. In addition to this, each and every stakeholder deserves to be updated about the process both before and during execution. Any miscommunication can seriously tarnish the company’s image.

  • A business continuity plan:

As we discussed in the beginning that an organisation cannot possibly put a stop to the operations for a week or so. This calls for a smart and effective business continuity plan! In fact, for larger organisations, this is actually quite the area to seriously ponder over.

For an idea, the plan can be formulated in light of what every stakeholder suggests. After thorough communication, for example, you can choose to move on an official off-day. In addition to this, the smartest option is to have one department move at a time to avoid any operational complications.

Other than this, inculcate strategies into the plan which ensure proper working of all the technology and telecommunications even during the move.

Christine Rudolph

Christine Rudolph is a passionate Heath & LifeStyle blogger. She is an enthusiastic writer, inclined towards ever-changing trends. For more updates follow her on Twitter @RudolphBlogger.

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