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Power of Observation
By TANMAY PATIL 1,362 views

Mastering Skills Through Observation – The Power of Observational Skills

Learning begins the moment we’re born. We pick up a lot of knowledge, by observing and focusing on our surroundings. We learn about the world by seeing how our friends, family, and surroundings behave. Observation learning is essential to how we achieve knowledge. Now, let’s explore it. We’ll define it, cover the four main steps, provide examples, and discuss its importance. This kind of learning is crucial for understanding and working efficiently.

This becomes especially important in E-learning, where observing and adopting best practices is essential for effective training strategies. Please find out how you can use it to improve corporate training and development programs.

What Is Observational Learning?

Observation learning is the process by which we learn new abilities or tasks; this happens through observing others carry out the same tasks. This method is effective in helping newborns learn everything they need to know. Observation is natural for everyone, especially in unfamiliar surroundings.

For example, babies observe their parents waving hello and goodbye to people. Over time, babies start repeating this behavior by waving at those who come and go. Initially, the baby might not fully grasp the purpose of the wave. They learn the best times to use this friendly gesture through careful observation.

Observational learning happens when you learn by watching others. It’s all about learning by seeing and copying what others do. People also call it modeling or vicarious learning. This method is best for picking up new skills and behaviors, especially for tricky tasks.

Steps In Observational Learning

Observational learning involves four steps that make it an effective way to learn new skills. These steps include:

  • Attention

The first step in observation learning is paying attention to the model’s behavior. The observer must focus on the relevant aspects of the demonstration to learn the key concepts.

  • Retention

The observer must retain the information they have learned. This can be done through mental or physical rehearsal.

  • Reproduction

The observer must be able to reproduce the behavior they have learned. This requires the observer to have the necessary physical and mental abilities.

  • Motivation

The observer must be motivated to learn and repeat the behavior. This motivation can come from internal or external factors.

Benefits Of Observation Learning

Observation learning has many benefits. Some of those benefits include:

  • Efficiency

Observation learning is an efficient way to learn new skills. It allows the observer to learn from the experiences of others without having to go through the trial-and-error process themselves.

  • Flexibility

Observational learning is a flexible way to learn new skills. It allows the observer to learn at their own pace and in their way.

  • Effectiveness

Observational learning is an effective way to learn new skills. It allows the observer to learn from the experiences of others and apply that knowledge to their situation.

  • Motivation

Observational learning is an inspiring method for picking up new skills. It lets you see the advantages of the behavior you’re learning & motivates you to explore and learn more.

What Makes Observation Learning an Effective Model?

People copy those who are like them. They can be someone in high-status positions, experts or knowledgeable persons, rewarded for their behaviors, or provide nurturing (like parents). This is a common aspect of observational learning.

Disadvantages of Observational Learning

Observational learning, also called social learning theory, is how we pick up behaviors by watching others. While this type of learning is common in social situations, it isn’t always beneficial. There are drawbacks associated with observational learning, even though it happens naturally in social settings.

Some of these disadvantages include:

  • Negative Role Models Display Unhealthy Behaviour

While observational learning is good for picking up positive habits, it can also lead to adopting negative behaviors. For example, when kids see a parent engaging in abusive behavior, they are more likely to exhibit similar behavior themselves.

  • Negative Role Models Can Influence Behaviour

Television usually shapes behavior, by portraying certain actions as socially acceptable or even desirable. This is especially true in entertainment for both adults and children. This negative exposure has been linked to an increase in aggressive behavior among regular observers.

  • Learning Isn’t Always Obvious

Experts now argue that learning happens even if the observed behavior isn’t immediately repeated. There might be a time gap between watching behavior and reproducing it.

  • Motivation Is Key In Observational Learning

People are motivated to repeat behaviors they enjoy and can perform successfully. However, the observational learning theory doesn’t fully consider other important factors, such as an individual’s physical and psychological limitations.

E-Learning and Observational Learning

E-learning, which occurs through electronic media like the Internet, is a way of learning. It’s quite helpful for observational learning. Imagine watching online videos to see how things are done and then trying it yourself. That’s what e-learning can do. It also gives feedback, helping you get better at your skills.

Observational learning is different from e-learning. It’s when you learn by watching others. You observe and copy. On the other hand, e-learning uses electronic media for learning, like the Internet. But here’s the thing: e-learning can be a great tool for observational learning too. Online videos can show you what to do, and e-learning gives feedback to help you improve.


Observational learning is an ideal method for learning new skills. It allows you to learn by observing others and applying what you have learned to your situation. Observational learning has a variety of features, benefits, and drawbacks that should be considered. Supporting observational learning with e-learning can be beneficial. People can develop new abilities and behaviors more quickly and successfully. This can be done by understanding the significance of observational learning.

Tanmay Patil

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