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management students
By SACHIN VERMA 1,923 views

What Do Recruiters Expect from Management Students During Placements?

The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs are two of  the most popular management courses in India.Every year, thousands of students graduate from  these programs and enter the workforce.The placement process for Indian management students can be extremely competitive. To be successful, students need  to start preparing early and focus on their goals.

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, there are certain skills and qualities that recruiters generally expect from management students during placements. In this article, we will discuss some of these expectations and how you can meet them.


RIMS, the Management Institute in Indore highly emphasizes great management and marketing skills. To make you industry ready, here are some tips for you so that you can get the best placement during your college placement drive;

Brush up on your syllabus:

If you’re a management student preparing for placements, make sure you brush up on your core business management subjects and current affairs and work on honing your communication skills. Do all this, and you’ll be sure to impress the recruiters!

Start preparing early:

To be successful in the placement process, management students need to start preparing early and focus on their goals. They need to develop a strong resume, practice their interview skills, and research companies. They should also create a list of companies they are interested in and actively network with professionals.

Be aware of different types of placement processes:

All the best BBA colleges in Indore like RIMS, IIM Indore, and IGNTU Amarkantak have different sorts of placement processes and placement drives. Even the duration of placement varies from college to college. There are a few different types of placement processes that Indian management students should be aware of:-

  • The first is the on-campus placement process, which is typically conducted by companies at the end of a university semester. This is usually the preferred process for Indian management students, as it allows them to interview with multiple companies and receive offers from multiple companies before making a decision.
  • The second type of placement process is the off-campus placement process. This process is typically conducted by companies without the involvement of your college.

Be proactive and network:

In order to be successful in the placement process, Indian management students need to be proactive in their job search and network with potential employers. Additionally, it is important for students to research companies and positions that they are interested in, and to be prepared for interviews.

Highlight your skills:

Furthermore, students should also highlight their unique skills and qualifications in their resumes and during interviews, in order to stand out from the competition. While studying in the best MBA college in Indore, you will get a chance to enhance your interpersonal skills and other professional skills as well. So whatever you gained during your degree course, make sure you highlight those skills in your resume and in front of interviewers.

Negotiate salary:

Make sure you are not getting underpaid. When it comes to negotiating salaries, Indian management students need to be prepared to do their research. They should know the average salary for the position they are applying for, as well as the median salary for employees with the same level of experience. Additionally, students should be prepared to explain why they deserve the salary they are requesting.

To sum it up:-

To be successful in the placement process, management students need to be well-prepared and have a strong understanding of the process. They also need to build a strong network of contacts and be able to sell themselves to potential employers. Management students need to be aware of the different types of placements that are available and be able to match their skills and interests to the right type of placement. Finally, they need to be prepared to negotiate their salary and benefits package.


While studying at Radiant Institute of Management & Science (RIMS), you will be taught and earn multiple skills that help you in a better placement. Being one of the best BBA Colleges in MP, RIMS also conducted numerous events and workshops that help you in learning more professional experience of the real market world. In this section, we will talk about skills that a recruiter or employer might try to observe in your personality and resume, to decide if you’re a worthy candidate for their company.

Think Strategically

One of the most important qualities that recruiters look for in management students is the ability to think strategically. This means being able to see the big picture and identify the key issues that need to be addressed. To impress recruiters, you need to be able to demonstrate this quality in your resume and during your interview.

Communication and Interpersonal Skills

In addition to thinking strategically, recruiters also expect management students to be good communicators and possess interpersonal skills. This means being able to express your ideas clearly and persuasively, both in writing and in person. Again, you will need to be able to demonstrate this skill in your resume and during your interview. After all, being a successful manager requires being able to effectively communicate with and motivate people.

Be a Team Player

Finally, recruiters expect management students to be team players. This means being able to work effectively with others towards a common goal. To show that you are a team player, make sure to highlight any experiences you have working in teams, such as group projects or extracurricular activities.

Strong Foundation in Management

For starters, recruiters expect management students to have a strong foundation in the basics of business management. This includes subjects like accounting, finance, marketing, and human resources. In addition, recruiters also expect management students to be well-versed in current affairs and able to discuss current business issues in an intelligent and insightful manner.

  • While these are some of the skills and qualities that recruiters generally expect from management students during placements, it is important to remember that each company is different and will have its own specific requirements. As such, it is always a good idea to research the companies you are interested in before applying.

Here are some tips on how you can make your resume and cover letter stand out to recruiters:

To be successful in the placement process, management students need to focus on the problem, be aware of what to expect, and promise something the reader wants.

1. Be clear and concise:

When writing your resume, make sure to include only relevant information and avoid using overly technical language. Keep in mind that recruiters will not have time to read through long, dense documents; they will only skim them. So, make sure that your resume is easy to read and highlights your most relevant qualifications.

2. Use keywords:

When applying for jobs online, many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen resumes. These systems scan resumes for certain keywords related to the job description and then rank the candidates based on their match score. To increase your chances of getting through the screening process, make sure to include keywords from the job description in your resume.

3. Tailor your application:

When applying for jobs, take the time to tailor your application materials (resume and cover letter) specifically for each position. Generic applications are much less likely to catch a recruiter’s attention than those that are tailored specifically for the job at hand. So, if you want your application materials to stand out, make sure they are relevant to the position you are applying for.

4. Highlight your achievements:

In addition to listing your qualifications and work experience, make sure to highlight your achievements in each role you have held. Recruiters are always looking for candidates who have gone above and beyond their job descriptions; so, if you have any notable accomplishments, make sure to include them in your application materials.


In conclusion, Indian management students need to focus on their communication and interpersonal skills in order to be successful in the placement process. And this can be only possible by enrolling themselves with RIMS, the best BBA college in India. They also need to be aware of the expectations of the companies they are applying to and be able to match their skills and qualifications to those expectations. Additionally, it is important for Indian management students to be proactive in the placement process and to network in order to increase their chances of success.

sachin verma

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