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How To Land Your First Listing Client As A Real Estate Agent - Techwebspace
By CHAMSI PIRSON 1,982 views

How to land your First Listing Client as a Real Estate Agent

From having the best real estate web design to well-organized social platforms and everything in between, there are different but effective ways to land your first listing client as an agent.

The real estate market is undoubtedly one of the most competitive sectors today. Everyone in the industry is trying to outshine the other, and if you are not smart with your approach, you might end up getting lost in the noise. If you are just getting started or have been in the industry for a while but haven’t found any breakthrough, then this article is for you.
Here is how to land your first listing client as a real estate agent.

How To Land Your First Listing Client As A Real Estate Agent - Techwebspace
Get a realtor website

We live in a digital age where people turn online to get all kinds of information they are seeking. New home buyers go online to look for tips and how-tos for buying a home and getting the best deals. They also go online to check out homes and compare prices. Home sellers do the same thing. You will miss out on a lot if you do not have a website – because when these people search, they won’t find you, but your competitors.

So, your first step should be to get a website for your business. Have an expert create the best real estate web design for you – because that matters a lot. You can then create relevant content to educate and guide your clients. Doing this will help set you apart as a thought leader, and will naturally attract listings.

Do open houses

Open houses are a great way to get leads without too much hassle. You can schedule your sessions at any time of the day – but it’s good to be strategic about it. By this, we mean you need to understand the behavior of your target audience – like when they are free and not working and so on. Many agents assume that open houses only attract nosy neighbors, or that it won’t work in their area or that only buyers’ agents do open houses. The reality is that all these are just myths. The nosy neighbors are prospects, and open houses can work anywhere.

Instagram or Facebook Lives

Social media sites are huge these days. With a majority of clients hanging around these platforms, it would be a waste not to invest heavily in them. By investing, we don’t necessarily mean spending a fortune. Something as simple as shooting live videos can give you a head start. Not sure what to shoot? How about you go “Live” from an open house while highlighting and area or previewing a listing? You will be surprised by the amount of interest this would spark from prospective buyers and sellers. And you don’t have to be limited to open houses alone – you can also talk about what you’re up to for exposure. Your users will often get a notification that you are “Live,” and that’s what makes it effective.

YouTube videos

People are consuming more video content than never before – you can take advantage of this to sell your ideas to your prospects. Unlike before, where people could read through long articles or emails to find information, they are turning to YouTube for the same. The best part is that these videos don’t need to be complicated – something as simple as a neighborhood video of the sample houses, amenities, the gate, and so on can work the magic. You can stand out as an expert by taking your prospects on a “tour” to show them what’s interesting about the neighborhood in question.


You probably know about networking and its importance, but we will mention it anyway. Networking with the relevant people is a great way to get your first, second, or a hundredth listing. As a realtor, you have to understand that most agents won’t list properties below a certain amount or situated too far from their office. Network with them and give them a good deal for every listing they send your way. Painters, landscapers, and handymen are also a great source of information because they always know when someone is ready to sell.

Family and friends

These are the people around your circles – and can be a great source of your first listing. Your dentist, neighbor, colleague, manicurist, friends of friends can also be instrumental in the process. Just be sure to ask politely for their referrals – and make it easy for them to do that. A good idea is to use branded business cards with a line on the back, stating, “Referred by.” You might also want to attach a special gift for any referral you get from them.

Starting is usually the hardest part. But with the tips mentioned above, you should be getting your first listing sooner than you imagined.

Chamsi Pirson

Chamsi Pirson is a freelance content writer and writes for a variety of online publications. he actively writes blogs and articles related to technology, business, fashion, lifestyle, fitness and much more. When he's not working, he likes to cook, d

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