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sarah sandeep
By KULDEEP CHAUHAN 2,822 views

Leisurewear is on the rise amongst India’s most Affluent

The emergence of comfort clothing has taken luxury fashion by storm. With the world on lockdown, young professionals have been working from home and trying to figure out a way to make their experience at home bearable and comfortable. Even after the pandemic has peaked, the work habits of professionals will be changing dramatically starting with the dress code.

The work from the home experiment

Now that this experiment of working from home has yielded successful results, several office goers will be working remotely from home as and when possible. Work from home styles is now a very real offering on brand websites with some innovative designs coming from renowned fashion designers in India. Some of India’s most affluent individuals are looking for the latest leisurewear styles while at home; styles that they can wear during an Instagram Live, a Zoom Call or even while video conferencing with friends.

True Leisurewear

I’d like to give the definition of leisurewear here – it’s a mix between loungewear and sleepwear and can be worn throughout the day and into the night. A leisurewear style should be extremely comfortable and should allow some room for body movement without being too ill-fitted or oversized. A satin pyjama set is a prime example of this and the soft fabric really makes a difference during shut-eye. Fashion designers in India are also creating some fantastic offerings to go along with luxury Pyjama sets. You now have access to a plethora of satin and velvet eye masks along with your leisurewear attire, some even in phenomenal prints for the fashionable.

Luxury Gifts

Footwear for home is also an emerging trend now with mules and velvet house slippers becoming the norm for luxury gifts. These accessories when gifted can be monogrammed too by DMing the brand directly after making a purchase online. When searching for luxury gifts, you might also stumble upon robes for men and women which are not meant to be worn after jumping out of the shower. These lavish offerings are being widely used by some of India’s most affluent to wear for small gatherings at home. As digital weddings pick up the pace, Pyjama sets are becoming more common amongst couples for their wedding night so that it is a major luxury gifting trend for 2020.

Styling for comfort

So now you have bought your Pyjama set, your robe and you’ve received a pair of slippers and an eye mask as a gift from friends and family. Now how do you use this to make your experience at home as best as it can be? Start with the styling. The robe is mainly a part of your outfit because it makes you look good and feel good at home so wear it whenever you need a confidence boost. You can’t really go wrong pairing it with a plain white T before getting on a group video call. That particular style is for you to indulge yourself, so go crazy but don’t over-utilize it.

The luxury satin Pyjama set that you bought online isn’t just going to take care of itself. Maintain it regularly and get the ones that are machine washable because once you sleep in them, you’ll never want to stop wearing them. If you get printed PJ sets, get a printed eye mask that goes with the full look because well, you can. Eye masks with velvet detailing and softer strings are usually more comfortable so that’s what you should splurge on.

Verdict :

Luxury leisurewear styles are a bit more evolved than loungewear and are specifically designed for the wearer to feel comfortable and sexy while indoors. The sleepwear element is undeniable and the coziness factor takes the cake. The best thing about multi-utility leisurewear styles is that they can also be paired with streetwear when going for a drive or meeting friends (with social distancing in place of course).

You can visit www.sarahsandeep.com to buy luxury leisurewear, loungewear and casual work from home outfits online. The recently launched SOPOR collection includes printed pyjama sets, solid pyjama sets, robes, house slippers and eye masks.

Kuldeep chauhan

My name is Kuldeep Chauhan, An Internet Marketing Geek. I am a Digital Marketing Specialist by profession who likes to write on various topics. Visit: www.crawlmyline.com

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