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Leave management
By SHY LEE 2,589 views

How to Decentralise Leave Approval Decision with Leave Management Software

Human resource management is a series of chained processes which are executed simultaneously for perfect management of all the human resources. Its quite a simple formula towards the fine working of an organization which states that a minimum number of workforce is required for the functioning of a company. This strength is to be maintained on the deck of the company through two of the bais tools offered in an integrated HR Solution which are quite widely known for their importance. These tools are known as attendance management and leave management software which makes sure that all your office location stays according to the present policy framed by the HR. These policies are often configured with respect to the location, employee category, designation and history data. As a company’s department consists of teams these clusters of employees are having internal dependency among themselves for the task they are carrying out. If even any one person is not present it creates a chain of delayed procedure which will make the deliverables suffer. Leave management was tedious and most debatable work for an HR to carry out efficiently with conventional means of processing. This was having adverse effects which made the accruals and approving leaves hard as the application received was in hard copy or through a mail.

How Automated Leave Management Works?

Isn’t it sounds a simple process for an employee to simply apply for a particular day of leave and the HR gets it which approves the same? It is not that simple in modern organizations which makes us not to underestimate the potential of leave management software. There are many variables and statistics associated with the leave managerial activities which are implemented in an organization to make sure all the employees are present and a usual working day has almost all employees needs to carry out the crucial functional work. Conventional way was not enough to carry this procedure with the same efficiency as it housed many glitches and loopholes which provoked the biased situations and favoritism of the authorities. This made it favorable for a company to choose an integrated HR Solution which has a leave management software to handle all leave request along with satisfying company’s policy toward maintaining a standard functional strength.

The employees are merely required to just make their application through the employee self-service portal with all the necessary details. The AI-enabled leave management software will take a deep insight into the track record of the respective employee who had applied for the leave. It will evaluate the eligibility on the basis of previous non-working days and the company’s policies for approving the request to avail privileged leave.

Leave Management For All Your Locations

With the introduction to automated human resource management technology and growth hacking the organization is having a smooth time to deal with their productivity issues for their employees which is enabling them to prosper in no time and established a business in new regions. This will have an impact on their HR department for processing data according to the new regions in which the organization is providing service. Leave managerial activities can be streamlined with the integration of regional leave policies and holiday schedules. The AI will approve the leaves with respect to the regional policies which are implemented respectively.

Endeavoring ESS

Mobile devices are the greatest revolution the mankind has ever seen in a century and today every human being around the globe is possessing at least a single mobile device. This invention for communication has been experiencing a progressive development which also helped the HR solution to efficiently deal with all the employees. A mobile-enabled employee self-service portal will provide the employees the accessibility to have their HR activities performed right at their fingertips. It is also used to access the basic information for which traditionally they used to approach the HR of the respective department. The functions like leave application are done with this functionality which saves a lot of time of employees and the human resource department too. It will be a very beneficial step towards creating a productive environment that will also be unbiased and transparent. Adopt an integrated HR Solution with leave management system to satisfactorily process the leave approving task and maintain an employee favorable atmosphere so that it can be significantly contributing towards an increase in retention rate.

Shy Lee

Shy Lee is an Associate Digital Marketing Manager at factoHR , a India based hr and payroll software solution providers. A creative marketing strategist with over 8 years of experience developing digital marketing strategies and guiding business development

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