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By JOE MAILLET 3,219 views

Minn Kota Wireless Trolling Motor

A trolling motor must operate in extreme conditions, hence it becomes crucial to select one, which is capable of keeping your boat on course and not rotting.
The first consideration of any fisherman is the vendors that are offering trolling motor and whether their offerings will resist the corrosive effect of water, it is a common concern, although you will find many people who will drop a freshwater engine in the open water and complain heinously as rust starts to creep in.

Minn Kota wireless trolling motor is designed for rough and salty water. A minimum requirement must be a marine grade construction; this includes all engine parts from the support upwards. The seals, boards and controls, all the equipment must be built with a purpose, the salt water will go into anything that is not properly designed to face them.

Another factor to consider is the output power of your engine, it is difficult to sail in tidal water in comparison to a stagnant water body like a freshwater lake as it exerts extra pressure on the engine to move against the tide. A general benchmark for 1 lb trolling motor is a 40 lb thrust. Here the load is indicative of the boat’s total weight; it is inclusive of all the stuff that you load in your boat. It makes a safer option, to sum up, the total weight of the boat to the maximum load it can withstand and divide it by 48. It will give you the minimum thrust required.

Once you have a figure for the required thrust, the next step is to determine how long the motor shaft should be. This is affected by the place where the Minn Kota wireless trolling motor will be since a drag motor mounted on the bow will need an axle longer than one mounted on the crossbar. To obtain the shaft length, do a little bit of simple calculation; measure the distance present in between the water line and boat’s mounting point, add 15 inches (depth of the engine plus the margin for chopped water) to this number and then approximately on foot to make it comfortable for the direction while standing.

Have you ever contemplated the kind of information you need for choosing the appropriate push for a trolling motor? The best decisions can be based on the information obtained, from asking the people you know who have trolling motors. Ask the owners about the pros and cons of a particular brand; they will be happy to share their viewpoints about a particular trolling motor, and the reasons for their choice. Once you have an idea of ​​what brand you may or may not prefer, then you have to do a basic task based on relative information.

The bigger and heavier your boat is, the more thrust you will need to achieve the desired results in the water. If there is something you want to avoid, it is buying a drag motor with very little thrust. Nothing kills a day in the water like a low-power drag motor that must run at high speed all day long and its battery runs out in a couple of hours. So, how much push do you need? You should consider three factors: the weight of the boat, the length and its typical fishing conditions, the most important weight being the weight of the boat.

A simple rule is to use a drag motor with two pounds of thrust per 100 pounds of weight of the boat. This measure factor is based on a boat loaded to its capacity.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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