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Yeast Infection
By AMELIA GRANT 1,400 views

Everything you Need to know about Yeast Infection

Every third woman in the world knows what vulvovaginal candidiasis or common yeast infection is. This is a disease is caused by Candida yeast. It is important to know that these fungi are constantly present in small quantities in the human body. However, the number of them sometimes goes beyond the limits allowed by the immune system and then we feel all those unpleasant symptoms that are typical for yeast infection. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about yeast infection.

Causes of yeast infection

Yeast infection in women usually develops after taking antibiotics. Daily sanitary pads, synthetic underwear, and non-observance of personal hygiene rules are also able to create a favorable atmosphere for the development of the fungus. In addition, candidiasis can be a consequence of metabolic disorders or hormonal contraception. Sometimes candidiasis develops due to an underlying chronic disease.

Symptoms of yeast infection

The most common symptoms of yeast infection in women are most often manifested in the form of severe itching, burning, and discomfort in the external genital area. In advanced cases, the damaged mucous membrane of the external genitalia and vagina cause copious cheesy discharge. They can be white or yellowish in color and have an unpleasant sour smell. The appearance of painful or burning sensations during urination or sexual intercourse can also be the symptoms of yeast infection.

Yeast infection treatment

If you have noticed any signs of a yeast infection, it is better to start treatment as soon as possible. It is also important to know that there is a small percentage of women who can develop chronic candidiasis that is much more difficult to treat. Thet’s why it is important to visit a gynecologist and get proper treatment.

Effective yeast infection treatment should be systemic and consistent. Otherwise, there is a risk that treatment will only help relieve symptoms and the fungus will become resistant to antifungal medications.

It is important to keep in mind that the treatment of yeast infection should be complex. This means that you need to take both antifungal drugs and medications that normalize the flora in the vagina. Antifungal drugs are available in pills, capsules, suppositories, in the form of a cream.

Home remedies

Many women that suffer from a yeast infection are distrustful of medicines and prefer alternative methods of treatment. One of the most popular home remedies for yeast infection is douching. The decoctions of chamomile, St. John’s wort, oak bark, and calendula are most often used for douching. However, gynecologists usually don’t favor such treatment options because they can cause more harm than good. This means that you mechanically wash out the physiological flora during douching. In addition, chamomile decoction can’t destroy the fungus. Chamomile itself has an anti-inflammatory effect but it also destroys vaginal lactobacilli and exacerbates bacterial imbalance in the vagina at the same time.

Nutrition recommendations

If you want to get rid of yeast infection, it is better to avoid spicy, fatty and fried foods, alcohol, sweets, and bakery products. It is recommended to drink enough plain water. Moreover, you shouldn’t consume drinks that contain sugar because they can aggravate your condition.

Prevention of yeast infection

It is not difficult to avoid the development of yeast infection. First and foremost, you should maintain proper personal hygiene and a healthy diet. It is also important to avoid wearing synthetic underwear and thongs because they can irritate the skin in the genital area. You should also avoid hypothermia and treat diseases of the genitourinary system on time. It is recommended to use only water-based lubricants and use condoms during sexual intercourses.

Don’t forget to regularly visit your gynecologist for examination.

Amelia Grant

I am Amelia Grant, journalist, and blogger. I think that information is a great force that is able to change people’s lives for the better.

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