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Flat Designs
By ZAC FERRY 1,501 views

Things You Need to Know About Granny Flat Designs & Prefab Homes

Granny flat designs are the home designs that are made to be the part of a bigger house but are a self-sufficient house in itself. This is done in order to make a place in a house that is well accustomed to the older people. As it works like a fully functioning house, it can be used as a separate accommodation for the older people who can relax and enjoy within their comfort zone. Also, this ensures that nobody disturbs them, but at the same time, in case of the need, their close ones reach them as soon as possible.

Prefab homes

“Prefab homes” is a term used for prefabricated houses and they are also known as prefabs. These houses are built in the factory and then transported to the construction site for assembly. They are normally small in size but have all the necessities. And obviously, they can be customized according to the needs of the buyer.

These granny flat designs and prefab homes and are the best way to move to elderly parents close to your house. They can comfortably live in the backyard of your house and whenever needed can come to visit their children or grandchildren.

granny flats

The Benefits of Granny Flat Designs and Prefab Homes

  1. The granny flat designs and prefab homes are the great solution for families who have elderly people as they provide them with privacy that they desire. They do not have to worry about anyone as they are technically living alone and offers a secure feeling. It is not only about the elder people privacy but also about the other family members who need some space for themselves.
  2. These houses also are separated from the real house and hence one needs to take permission before getting in. It enforces the idea that this house belongs to the people living in that house. This is a middle ground which can help in convincing the older people to move in.
  3. In case of any need, especially during the medical emergency for the older people, these houses ensure that their children are near, and they can ask for help at any time without hesitation.
  4. These are fully functional houses and one can cook according to their own needs in this place and has washroom that is attached to it. So, there is no need to go outside for that as well. This area has all the things that a person needs.
  5. Also, these do not require much investment. They are very cheap due to the fact that they can be made with the help of only few builders.
  6. They are also transportable and hence once you feel that you do not need it anymore, you can discard it or even sell it to someone else who is in need of it.


The granny flat designs & prefab homes are one of those investments that you should make for the betterment of the elders of the family as well as the children. As both of them can benefit from it greatly, which means that the older people would be able to retain the privacy and live close to family while the children would be able to spend time with their loved ones, learn new things from them and form a close bond with them. A happy family living in a close proximity is something that one just cannot put a price on and that is exactly what these houses provide.

Zac Ferry

Zac Ferry is a good experience writer, blogger, and social media promoter by providing valuable information which helps readers to get more ideas.

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