When you are facing any criminal charges, the first step you take is to hire a defense criminal lawyer. You will find them soon. Before hiring a criminal defense lawyer, you should get all the answer of your questions. It is not easy to find the best defense lawyer. There are many different variables that need to be considered. Finding a specialized criminal lawyer is very difficult. Jeff Ifrah has shared things to consider before hiring a criminal lawyer.
Background & Experience
Check the background and experience in your first meeting with a criminal lawyer. Prior experience defending against similar charges will help you to finalize the criminal defense lawyer. Make a list of question to be asked. Do not hire a criminal defense lawyer who has more experience in defending other types of cases than yours. You can ask about his/her law qualification. How long have they been practicing Criminal law? How often they defend the similar charges? What will be your strategy to negotiate plea agreements with the prosecutor? Try to get the names of any bar associations or other professional organizations they belong.
All these questions will help you to choose a professional and qualified criminal defense lawyer.
Assessment of Your Case
You can ask directly some question to your criminal defense lawyer about the assessment of your case. When you are being charged with criminal charges, you want to know about your legal options. A qualified and experienced lawyer will tell you about the potential problems foresee with your case. They will explain you the different stages of the process, involving arraignment, and filing of motions, motions hearing, disposition and trial.

Case Management
It is the crucial step of the entire process. It is the term lawyers used to illustrate how a cases logistics are handled. Getting aware of what goes on behind the scenes with your case is important. It clears all misunderstanding and gives the clear view of the proceedings. You can ask a question about their availability to handle your case. Meet the people who will work on your case. How can you communicate in case of any questions? How quickly you or your colleagues will respond to my call?
Legal Fees
Legal fees are included when you hire a criminal defense lawyer. It can be competitive so it is wise to shop around. Criminal lawyers charge by the hour or flat fee. Famous lawyers charge more. Decide carefully before spending more money for a lawyer with a great reputation. Ask for the charges for an hourly rate or flat fee. While settling on an hourly rate, ask for the retainer fee. For the flat fee, it is important to know what it does or does not include. Is the flat fee refundable? What are the extra charges you have to pay apart from your fee? You can ask for an estimation for that.
According to Jeff Ifrah, Meet at least two or more lawyers. Ask the above questions before settling on one. You may have only met once to them but with your inner instinct, you can judge which one will be best to defend your case. If you still having a tough time to decide, then you can ask from you family and friends. You can speak to their clients. You should have confidence in your selected criminal defense lawyer.