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web framework
By SHIVA KUSHWAHA 3,199 views

Top 5 Java Web Application Frameworks

Frameworks are prewritten code to which you add your own code to solve a problem in a specific domain. Frameworks are usually formed of large bodies developed with many classes that take the shape of your code because it is usually the framework that is in control.

Java frameworks have a huge amount of code, for example, Java’s Swing and AWT classes to manage the user interface. This huge amount of code is a collection of classes that is sometimes called a framework. These frameworks can be called by calling its methods, inheritance.

There are various web frameworks that offer libraries for template frameworks. With the frequently promote reuse of code these libraries are meant for easy access to the database and session administration.

Spring MVC (Model View Controller)

Spring is more than just a web framework as it is designed as a layered J2EE/Java framework. It is a complete programming model that is built on and with Java, useful for the development and configuration of web applications. It is applicable for a broad range of imaginations, including Spring Boot, which is a way to get a spring application up.

Spring is famous among programmers for its well-developed ecosystem which allows developers to build strong and reliable cloud-native applications. It is a combination of components that has numerous add-ons, such as SOAP services, REST APIs, and security authentication.

Spring MVC framework leverage the latest distributed patterns like a micro services architecture that includes application security and batch processing.

Java framework

JSF (Java Server Faces)

JSF is part of the Java standard, which perfects in a net utility framework of Java. It is popular among programmers who want to stick to published standards for increased portability across platforms. This framework has got Oracle’s support which helps in the easy to utilize documentation.

This framework may not be the best framework for Java development, but its tools and rich libraries may back developers up to the complexity of an application. JSF is component-based that allow it to be expanded with additional components. Apart from that JSF also allows existing backend Java code to be extended with a web interface without introducing a new framework. Moreover, JSF is an important part of Java EE that means if you want EE environment Java, there will be no extra dependency on JSF.

GWT (Google Web Toolkit)

GWT (Google Web Toolkit) is an open source toolset that is much like JSF. It strictly focuses on building web interfaces and enables web developers to create complex JavaScript front-end applications. The whole thing in JavaSource can be built on a supported platform with integrated GWT Ant construct files.

GWT lost some of its popularity over the last couple of years as it easy to maintain complex JavaScript user interfaces with Java code. Apart from that, the application is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 version. It has various JavaScript libraries, thus making developers appreciate the true power of GWT.


Talking about the best Java web frameworks, Hibernate is an advanced ORM framework that allows performing the operation in the database of Java objects. It is an essential object-relation mapping device for programming language as it breaks with object-relational impedance and mismatches by replacing access to high-level databases. Hibernate is a continuous concept that uses cache to bring data from the Java environment to the database.

The best part is that it offers a mapping framework for a domain model (object-oriented) to one relational database. It is featured to help back-end developers access data. Moreover, it is free software distributed under public 2.1 License of GNU Lesser General.


Struts are one of the best out of the Java Web Frameworks list. It is used by the most modern software engineers is the successor to Apache Struts 1, version number two.

Struts is a Framework that develops the base of the web application. Thus, this framework is good for developers who build new web applications with Java EE. Moreover, it is a set of interfaces and classes that co-operate to solve the problems of a particular type.

Talking about Struts 2 is the right choice if the web is going to have a high data load, such as a broadcast web. The reason is, it is equipped with a net framework for numerous Java applications. Struts are the result of mixed efforts from various supporting communities. Therefore, unlike the conventional functions of the internet, it can create dynamic responses.

Bottom line

When it comes to the Java frameworks, there are many frameworks in the market that makes it tough which one is best for you. There are so many options in frameworks that will suit your project. In that case, use the above-mentioned guide to assess your needs.

Here we studied the Java frameworks and their advantages. These popular Java-based frameworks in the market have their own importance.

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Author Bio:

Colleen Jansen is a digital marketing expert in Quy Technologies, a Leading Top Mobile app Development Company. At Quytech, you can Hire iPhone Developers to develop an iPhone app for your business to grow your business. She loves to write about latest app development trends and technology.

Shiva Kushwaha

Shiva Kushwaha is a lead blog writer, blogger & content marketer, he publishes and manages the contents on many blogs. Shiva writes about lifestyle, technology, travel, health and more. He has been in the marketing industry for 5 years and with a very valuable experience in this industry, He has marked his footprints as a renowned guest blogger in Delhi.

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