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By JOE MAILLET 4,561 views

PRP Hair Loss Treatment: Procedure, Cost, Benefits, Side Effects

For hair loss P.R.P. (platelet-rich plasma) therapy is the easiest way to get back your hairs, if you don’t want to fall into transplantation lengthy procedure than P.R.P. is the most excellent option for you a lot of famous doctors recommend this treatment. It’s also cheaper than hair transplant so let’s know what the P.R.P. hair loss treatment is and how Jaipur skin city is the best center for hair loss treatment.

What is P.R.P. (platelet-rich plasma):

P.R.P. therapy based on the human cell self-healing system in which recently doctors have to discover that the human body can heal itself over a period of time.

In P.R.P. therapy, a patient’s blood is drawn and then injected into the scalp. This process spread the blood supply into hair follicles and increases the thickness of the hair shaft, which causes natural hair growth.

There has been enough research work to prove that P.R.P. is an effective hair loss treatment. This process has its legacy as P.R.P. in use since 1980.

The Procedure of P.R.P.:

P.R.P. therapy is divided into three steps process. Most patients require 2-4 injections within every 10-minute it’s will take half an hour to one hour for the complete process and there is no downtime suggested for this therapy you can continue your office after the treatment.

Step 1:

The patient’s blood has been drowned mostly from arm then put it into the centrifuge (a machine that spins dynamically to separate fluids of different densities).

Step 2:

Now blood has been separated from P.R.P. and centrifuge and your blood divide into three layers

  • P.R.P. (platelet-rich plasma)
  • P.P.P. (platelet-poor plasma)
  • R.C.B. (red blood cells)

Step 3:

The P.R.P. is taken into a syringe and injected into the needed scalp areas.

According to a recent study, P.R.P. has sufficient scientific poofs to use in hair regrowth.

Benefits of P.R.P.:

As you know, P.R.P. is the scientifically proven treatment. And there is a lot of doctors who are saying that P.R.P. is safe and guaranteed result treatment. And this is the quit good option for them who can not afford hair transplantation. So if you are looking for a treatment type with affordable and zero downtime, than P.R.P. is a perfect option for you, and in Jaipur, we have two fully technically advance clinics, Jaipur skin city has most experienced doctors for this treatment, and also we have 0% E.M.I. Payment option, which makes us more beneficial center for any hair treatment. Check more benefits of P.R.P. treatment.

  • P.R.P. takes only one hour for the complete process
  • Prices are much affordable than other treatment options
  • Solid scientific proofs for results
  • Because your own on stuff gets used in the treatment, so there are almost 0% chances of any infections.

Side Effects of P.R.P. Hair Loss Treatment:

Because in this therapy, your blood gets injected in your scalp, so there is no risk of any infectious disease. But still, there are some changes to side effects.

In Jaipur skin city, we take care of every chance of getting affected by any infection. We use only high-quality needles and derma rollers; also, we have appointed only experienced staff for this treatment.

  • Infection
  • Scar tissue
  • Blood vessels and nerves injury
  • Classification at injection points.

Cost of Treatment:

P.R.P. (platelet-rich plasma) therapy is the process of three to four sessions depends on the bald area, and results are awe-inspiring, so it costs around 20,000 to 25,000 for three sessions. The cost also may vary upon doctor or clinic reputation. In Jaipur skin city, we provide this treatment at affordable prices; also, our payment strategies are very liberal 0% E.M.I. is the most used facility by our previous patients.

So if you’re thinking of getting hair loss treatment, then Jaipur skin city certainly will amaze you with their service quality and charges.

Frequently Asked Questions by People(F.A.Q.):

How many injections do a person need?

Usually 2-4 injections

Does there any risks in P.R.P. injection?

Because of the needle, there are very few chances of infection or allergic symptoms, but this is minimal and can preventable by applying anesthesia.

What About Results?

Well, in the case of P.R.P., there are plenty of scientific proves, so results are guaranteed, and behind the treatment, a theory of self cell healing works, on that we all are Unanimous. You will start to notice regrowth in 4 months.


So if you are looking for hair loss treatment, you have many other choices apart from P.R.P. (platelet-rich plasma) like Propecia, rogaine, mesotherapy, and hair transplant surgery. But P.R.P. has its legacy and assures results.

P.R.P. treatment allows you to join your office from the same day after the surgery, and it’s also cheaper than other options. I think a person has enough reasons to choose P.R.P. over alternatives. Jaipur skin city makes it more exciting and affordable for a patient.

So if you want to regrow your hairs with reliable results, then call us.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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