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Benefits of Instagram
By SAANVI PATEL 3,971 views

4 Benefits of Instagram Live Streaming in 2019

Instagram has taken over all social media platforms and is on a rapid rise nowadays. I engaging more audiences with its stories and live streams. Millions of people every day share their Instagram stories with their followers and gain many views.

Live stream events on Instagram attracts more audience, but you need to stay updated with its features. Instagram live streaming services come with many benefits. If your followers are enabled to the push notification of live stream, they can join your live stream as soon as it starts.

How to manage live webcast on Instagram Live?

When you will go live on Instagram, your followers will receive a notification. The notification will state, you started a live video, watch it before it ends. Once you start live streaming. And your followers can join you and can even interact with you while commenting on your live stream. You can restrict inappropriate comments from the section and can pin the lovable comments on top of your live stream. Reminding the purpose of your live webcast on Instagram live is necessary to the users who joined you in the middle of your live stream. If answering tons of questions seems to be a tough task at the moment you can ask your followers, who joined the stream to send direct messages. Managing live webcast is not as tough as you thought it to be.

Let’s Discuss, The 4 Benefits of Instagram Live Streaming –

1. Visibility plays a major role:

If your content is very good and contains different aspect but if it is not visible to your target audience then it is of no use. Visibility plays a crucial role. Some posts that contain everything a post need to make noise does not even gain a single click and don’t even get seen resulting in the waste of your economy as well as time and effort. Instagram stories and live stream display on the top of the feed of every follower, reaching a larger audience and gain more visibility. Live stream events on Instagram comes with certain benefits such as the live stream on Instagram is highlighted, which attracts more audience to watch the stream generating awareness about an event while reaching more audience.

2. Live streams create curiosity:

Live streams are enjoyed by people to a greater extent. It creates curiosity about what will happen at the next moment as no one can fake what’s going to take place. Live events draw attention while starting discussions of the event online. People watch live feeds in order to not miss out on anything that’s important. After the original live stream gets over, Instagram live can be viewed for the next 24 hours by the followers and cannot be seen after that. It evokes interest in the viewers to catch the stream when it is life.

3. Breaks the barrier:

Instagram live gives the opportunity to interact with your customers directly thereby removing the barrier between the brand or service and customers. It gives an experience that is more genuine and trustworthy. The content which is shown on a live webcast on Instagram live is authentic as alterations can’t be done to fake the product quality and the brand personality once you are live. Brands that are not transparent in there motto on social media result in turning their customers to competitive brands. 

4. Attract more audience:

Instagram live streaming solutions are the best way on social media to engage more target audience. Live streaming attracts more audience, giving an opportunity to viewers to interact directly on live streams. It initiates a two-way interaction letting your viewers get the insight into your business and giving you the opportunity to understand your audience in a better way. Live webcast on Instagram live can last up to an hour, engaging more audience in real-time. A survey reports that many customers are engaged with the brand after seeing the live stream on Instagram, thereby increasing the brand reach.

Spicing up your Instagram live streaming results in generating more audience. You can even alter it by using certain filters if it suits your requirement or your brand or event need a touch of fun element in it. And the ultimate guide of Instagram live streaming helps in boosting the awareness of a certain brand. The best alternative to reach a larger audience base is live webcast on Instagram live.

Saanvi Patel

Saanvi is a creative blogger and social media marketing manager. Her interest is in researching the latest technologies of social media, science and write about all kinds of topics in worldwide. In her free time, she loves to travel and reading fiction books.

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