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Inshan Meahjohn
By INSHAN MEAHJOHN 3,178 views

Time Management Tips for Business Owners

In this competitive era, effective time management is crucial for the entrepreneurs in order to get success. It doesn’t matter how smart individuals because they did not get more than 24 hours a day. Actually, the tycoons are liable for every aspect of their business says, Inshan Meahjohn. Hence, it is necessary for them to apportion the right amount of time to right task in order to run the company smoothly.

In this article, Meahjohn who is an efficacious tycoon has given some time management tips for the business owners. In reality, time management for entrepreneurs is an invaluable skill as well as rewarding in long run.


This is because they have to manage tasks, attend meetings and calls as well as careful with each decision for their business endeavor.

Following are some of the time management tips for business owners:

1. Plan the day Ahead

One should have to create a to-do list for the coming day before leaving the office. This is good to assign required time for working on particular tasks on the list. The reason behind some tycoons spend successful life is an effective time management. Truth is, if you have planned your day ahead, then next day you can immediately start working on it without wasting any time.

2. Be Organized

If individuals have a lot of work to complete, then there is a need to get organized. One should have to make sure that all the necessary things or resources are available. Furthermore, entrepreneurs should have to work methodically.

3. Prioritize the Work

Do you have lots of tasks to perform? Not to worry! Just sit down, relax for some time and note down all the tasks. This is according to Inshan Meahjohn, entrepreneurs have to create a sorted task list according to priority. Start working on tasks one by one and you will see each and everything job done very smoothly.

4. Take Advantages of Technology

The advancement in technology has made it possible to save our time. In fact, the apps and tools like calendar reminders, Skype, and others are available at fingertips. Hence, full utilization of the resources like the smartphone, laptop, tablets, and others help individuals in managing lots of tasks.

For instance, individuals did not have to travel in order to attend any meeting in another city. They can use the Skype for the meetings. This will save money as well as time which one can use for another task.

5. Do a Time Audit

This is vital to perform the time audit in order to bring positivity in working life. The entrepreneurs have to note down the time spent on each task and the outcome of that particular job. Doing time audit will give individuals an idea of how to get the things complete rapidly.

Wrapping Up

These are some of the tips for managing the time suggested by a successful entrepreneur Inshan Meahjohn. If tycoons want to get the success and make more profit, then they should have to learn the time management.

Inshan Meahjohn

Inshan Meahjohn is the Assistant Vice President Entrepreneurship and Technology Commercialization at University of Trinidad and Tobago.

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