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agni-5 Nuclear Missile
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India’s Longest Range Nuclear Missile Agni-5 Successfully Tested

Agni-5, India’s longest range nuclear capable missile, was effectively test fired from the Kalam Island off Odisha coast today by the Defense Research and Development Organization or DRDO. The intercontinental surface-to-surface ballistic missile, the most recent in India’s “Agni” group of medium to intercontinental range missiles, with the new innovation for route and direction, gives India the vital strategy it needs to contain its enemies, say scientists.

Prepared to be deployed, the Agni-5 will soon join India’s military weapons store.

– This was the main trial of the Agni-5 missile after India turned into a member of the Missile Technology Control Regime, a 35-country group to check the spread of unmanned delivery frameworks for nuclear weapons.

agni-5 Missile– “Effective test-firing of Agni V makes each Indian extremely glad. It will add huge strength to our key defense,” said Prime Minister Narendra Modi, praising the group of scientists behind the successful launch.

– Agni-5 has a scope of more than 5,000 km and can convey around a 1,000-kg warhead. It can target all of Asia including Pakistan and China and Europe. The solid fuel driven missile will be tried from a canister which gives everything climate and any landscape portable dispatch ability.

– The 17-meter long Agni-5 Missile weighs around 50 tons and is an exceptionally agile and present day weapon framework.

– The surface-to-surface missile is a fire-and-overlook framework that can’t be effortlessly identified as it takes after a ballistic trajectory.

– India as of now has in its weapons store the Agni 1, 2, 3 and 4 missile frameworks and supersonic cruise missiles like Brahmos.

– India depicts the Agni – 5 missile framework as a ‘weapon of peace’.

– The main missile of the series, Agni-I was created under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program and tried in 1989.

– In the series, Agni-1 has a 700-km go, Agni-2 has a 2,000 km range, and Agni-3 and Agni-4 have a 2,500 km to more than 3,500 km run.

– The Agni-6 is accounted for to be in early phases of development and the most recent and most progressive adaptation, fit for being propelled from submarines and from land, with a strike-scope of 8,000-10,000 km.


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