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payment posting

The Importance of Payment Posting for Medical Billers

There is a proven correlation between how much time a biller spends on the hospital’s computer and their billing accuracy. Skipping out on payment posting could mean a percentage of revenue that has been lost. Billers who are more involved in their work are likely to be more effective at it, and can also do it faster. In addition, it’s important to leave the system up-to-date so that changes made by other billers can be seen by you. The following are some ways for medical billers to stay on top of this process with ease.

Why is payment posting important?

The importance of payment posting stems from the fact that billers who are more involved in their work are likely to be more effective at it, and can also do it faster. If a medical biller fails to post payments when they should, this could mean a percentage of revenue lost.

In addition, it’s important to leave the system up-to-date so that changes made by other billers can be seen by you. The following are some ways for medical billers to stay on top of this process with ease:

1) Schedule recurring payments with the hospital

2) Use your computer’s calendar

3) Set reminders

4) Use payment posting software

How to post payments on paper

-Type the total payment amount on the front of the payment envelope

-Type “paid in full” on the back of the envelope

-Insert date and signature where appropriate

-Place in a file folder with other bills that have been paid

-At the end of each day, or once a week, you can scan all paid envelopes and enter them into your billing software

What are the benefits of using medical billing software?

One of the benefits of using medical billing software is that it can keep track of things like payment posting, late payments, and payments made. This makes it easier for billers to have peace of mind knowing that their work is being done correctly.

Another way this software could be beneficial to you is by keeping your workflow organized. In addition to paying attention to the time you spend on it, medical billing software will also help you stay organized which should lead to more accurate work being done. It’s important for billers to stay organized because if they don’t, then mistakes could be made in how the hospital’s computers are paid out. With medical billing software, these mistakes can be easily avoided by keeping everything in one place where it can be easily located instead of filed away in a folder or on an old computer system.

As we discussed earlier, there is a correlation between productivity and accuracy with billers who are more involved with their work and less likely struggling with poor accuracy rates. By using medical billing software, Billers will find themselves getting more done and having less time spent on the computer doing so.

How to keep track of your expenses/payments

One way for billers to be more effective is to use the system’s built-in reporting tool. This allows you to track what you have spent, what payments are made, and how much money is left in your account.

Another way that medical billers can stay on top of their finances is by using software that automatically sends out notices when payments are due. This alerts you when an overdue payment is made, which helps you keep your expenses updated.

Some programs even provide a backup feature. They take up to two weeks of transactions and automatically upload them so that they aren’t lost if the computer crashes or there’s a data loss issue at work.

Finally, it’s important for the biller to assess their return on investment (ROI). By doing this, they’ll be able to decide whether or not their time spent on the computer is worth it.

What happens if you don’t pay your bill?

If you fail to pay your hospital bill, then the hospital has to write off the debt. If this happens and you have a balance due on your account, then your credit score will be impacted. You may have to pay late fees or interest charges.

In addition, if you don’t pay your bill in time, then it may take some time for that particular patient’s care to be covered by insurance.

It is best for medical billers to make sure their accounts are paid up-to-date so that they won’t have any problems with billing accuracy and credit scores.


Payment posting is one of the most important tasks for medical billers. It’s the only way your patients will know that you received their payment, and it’s the only way you’ll get paid.

If you’re struggling with payment posting, it’s time for a change. You’re about to discover how easy it is to post payment using medical billing software!

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1 year ago

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits of outsourcing medical billing to a professional service. It highlights the importance of following industry best practices in research, automation, coding, verification, data security, and payment channels.