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By TRACEYC 2,466 views

How Important Self-Care Is in a Relationship

Even though many people perceive taking care of themselves as selfish (especially if those people are married women with children), the truth is that self-care is the base for a healthy and strong relationship. This is true for those ladies who still haven’t said ‘I do’ as well, because taking care of yourself should always be your top priority. Stay with us and keep on reading if you want to learn how and why self-care is actually important in a relationship.

Bear in mind your mutual goals, but don’t forget your own

Sticking to your mutual relationship goals is amazing, especially if there are some major things coming up, like moving in together, getting married in the near future, or even buying a house. However, you should never forget your personal goals, no matter how tiny and irrelevant they may seem in comparison with those major ones. Remember all those things you wanted to accomplish, like working out on a daily basis, taking a fabulous trip to some exotic destination, or taking dance classes, and start working towards accomplishing them. You’ll instantly feel much better about yourself!

Create your ‘me’ time within a ‘we’

Your own ‘me’ time is extremely important, both when you’re single and in a relationship. The truth is that people often tend to forget about the importance of it, especially when their partner is always around, which can be really challenging and sometimes very frustrating. That’s exactly why you should always find some time just for yourself – you can even schedule it, so that your partner knows that you need some space. You can have 30 minutes every day after work to be alone with your thoughts and do anything you want to do, like reading, exercising, working on puzzles, or whatever else. Planning a date night with your friends can also be extremely beneficial, so gather your girlfriends and go for some delicious cocktails in your favorite local bar.

The dentists in Avon Lake OH also add that your ‘me time’ should also include regular health checkups to ensure that your physical health is in good condition

Don’t lose a sense of who you are

Being in love is one of the best things in the world, and it’s completely natural to spend a lot of time with your significant other. It’s really easy to make your boyfriend the center of your universe, which, again, isn’t a bad thing, but it can result in neglecting your other social activities and friendships. Of course, it’s likely that your partner will encourage you to focus on yourself and fulfill your own needs. Some people believe that dating older men isn’t good for younger women who are still searching for themselves and exploring their interests, but you know what? Dating an older guy can be really beneficial – he’ll encourage you to be yourself and understand your needs much better than anyone else because he’s already been there, which is what counts the most.

Establish healthy and meaningful communication with your partner

Healthy communication is the base for a long-lasting relationship, which is why you should learn to speak your mind and say whatever bothers you. A partner who cares about you and your feelings will always be there for you, but you should figure out how to express your emotions in the best possible way, so that he can know what’s going on. No matter if you’re happy or sad, angry or worried – you should always speak up and be honest about everything. Remember that your partner can’t read your mind, so that open communication is essential. Trust us, being a drama queen isn’t what you should go for, since a couple that can’t communicate properly is likely to fall apart really fast.

As you can see, self-care is crucial for a healthy and strong relationship. If you don’t love and appreciate yourself in the first place, no one else will do that either, so be sure you nurture self-care and you’ll see that good things will start happening. Once that’s done, your partner and other people around you will perceive you as a reliable person who knows what she wants, which is always a great thing!


Tracey Clayton is a working mom of three girls. She’s passionate about fashion, home décor and healthy living. Her motto is: “Live the life you love, love the life you live.

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