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What Investors seek in a Competent Real Estate Agent
By JOE MAILLET 1,825 views

Home Inspector Recommendation from a Real Estate Agent: Yay or Nay?

One of the most important steps of buying a Middletown Township house is finding a home inspector in Monmouth County. It is common for buyers to depend on their real estate agent for good recommendations. However, an equally common instance is where buyers wonder if they should trust their agent or not for recommendations. They worry if the suggestions would be biased to ensure the sale closes. This article will answer this doubt and more. 

Trust your real estate agent

To begin with, yes, you can trust your real estate agent. In fact, an agent can get you better recommendations than a friend or review website ever can. Finding qualified professionals that help you choose the house is a win for real estate agents. This is largely due to how referrals are key to having a flourishing rest estate business, and giving you poor recommendations or misleading you is going to hurt their reputation.

Therefore, they will work towards finding the right home inspector who can give valuable insight into the property. They can do the same through their experience with home inspectors and in the field. The real estate world is limited to a particular region, making the community rather small. With a smaller group, your real estate agent and other agents know who is good and who isn’t.

Don’t forget to ask questions

While you can trust your real estate agent to give you reliable recommendations, you should never forget to ask the right questions. This is important to make an informed choice and to avoid any possible scam. You should be asking questions to both the agent and the home inspector. Given below are some questions you can ask both. 

Questions to ask the Real Estate Agent: 

  • Have you worked with this inspector before?
  • Would you choose this inspector if you were the buyer?
  • Why is this home inspector a recommended choice?
  • Has this inspector worked with a similar property or area?

Questions to Ask the Home Inspector: 

  • Have you any standard certifications?
  • How many years have you worked as an inspector?
  • What is included in your services?
  • Could you explain the final report I’ll receive from you?

These are some important questions you need to be answered before you hire the home inspector recommended by your real estate agent. It will help you make the best choice.


Real estate agents work towards building a community of experts to help flourish their business through valued services and suggestions. This can help them weed out the bad home inspectors and give you only the best recommendations. Therefore, you can place trust in your real estate agent’s suggestions. However, don’t forget to ask the necessary questions before hiring the suggested home inspector.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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