We live in a fast-paced world. One full of deadlines, noise, and ever-changing horizons. With this dynamic comes unwanted issues like fatigue, stress, anxiety, burnout, and even breakdowns.
When we succumb to worrisome thoughts, it’s not uncommon to feel in our heads what our hearts feel – after all, the two have an extreme connection! For example, if something angers you deeply, be it a news bulletin or a disagreement with a colleague, you may feel a wave of anger burn throughout your body.
This newfound understanding of the connection between our hearts and heads has led to a more holistic approach to health.
This article delves further into the connection between the two and how treating all aspects, as opposed to one part, of a person’s health is beneficial to our bodies and minds as a whole.
What Can We Do To Combat These Feelings?
When supporting the heart, mood, and brain health, there are numerous things you can do. Engaging in breathwork and meditation to investing in powerful flavonoids, such as Pro Health’s full spectrum apigenin; a mood lifter that promises to support a variety of health endeavours – all these tools can assist in enhancing sleep quality and lowering anxiety levels.
The best apigenin supplement will even help fight the signs of aging and free radicals. The result? A healthy heart and a clear mind.
The Benefits of Supplements on the Heart and Mind
The makeup of many supplements on the market today is like that of SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). SSRIs are an antidepressant prescribed to patients suffering from depression.
Both supplements and SSRIs are proven effective in treating depression and anxiety by pushing our bodies to reabsorb what we call neurotransmitters, such as serotonin.
Like prescribed drugs, supplements help to decrease stress levels. Not all supplements are suited to all individuals and ailments. With a plethora to choose from, there is bound to be one tailored to your exact needs.
The Connection Between the Mind and Anxiety

Those of us who have experienced anxiety will be familiar with the emotions it triggers. Over 40 million adults in the U.S. (19.1%) have an anxiety disorder. Symptoms include tense muscles, an inability to swallow, shortness of breath, chest pain, overheating, and high blood pressure.
All these emotions influence the health of our hearts. Allowing anxiety to continue will only lead to more ailments and may impact other organs, especially if you feel unable to exercise or leave the house.
If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s wise to take a holistic approach to getting better. Numerous natural remedies promise to help combat severe stress, such as sleep aids, exercise, spending time with animals, yoga, relaxation activities, and using supplements.
The Connection Between the Mind and Heart Explained

For many years, the heart and head remained separate entities, with the view that the mind was responsible for making decisions, and the heart, a lifeline that pumps blood around the body.
At long last, medical professionals have realized that there is a link between the head and the heart. Take Stress Myocardiopathy and the broken heart syndrome as a clear example of this link. The former can even result in a heart attack.
Scientists have now discovered that the brain doesn’t have overall control over our bodies. A troubled brain can send signals to the gut, just as a troubled intestine can send signals to the brain.
These studies showcase a definite link between the mind and the heart. What does this mean? To ensure our heart is healthy, we must also ensure our heads are healthy and vice versa.
Bodily and Brain Sensations
Emotions aren’t predominant in the heart, with some responses experienced as bodily motions. The brain picks up on these sensations and sends signals directly to our body’s core.
An example of this? If you fear flying, you’ll likely begin to sweat before stepping on board, your hands will feel clammy, and your heart rate will rise.
All of these feelings come from different parts of your body and not the head and the heart alone. When we are in a heightened emotional state regularly, it can affect our overall health – such as having to fly to work once or twice a week.
If these feelings continue, our psychological and biological health will be affected. Over time you may become weaker, more run down, fatigued, anxious, and experience a lesser appetite.
How to Combat This?
If you are a victim of any of the above, it’s time to pay attention to the needs of both your body and psychological well-being. Avoiding these needs may trigger ailments such as heart disease and mental illnesses.
These reasons play a part in why mental health is so important today. Unlike a cold or the flu, tablets won’t cut it! Supplements, exercise, rest, and talking to a therapist will!
The Bottom Line

A little like ‘Romeo and Juliet’, ‘Salt and Pepper’, and ‘the Fork and the Knife’, our hearts and heads go together. This is why, when treating one of them, we should always think of the other.
This holistic approach to health is becoming more prevalent by the minute, with many now choosing supplements and activities designed to aid heart and brain health collectively.
This holistic approach is proving extremely effective and is something we can all embrace in this day and age. The holistic treatment goes much deeper than fixing surface issues alone.