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Healthy Tips to Beat Warmth of Summer and Stay Healthy
Healthy Tips to Beat Warmth of Summer and Stay Healthy
By MANISHA GULERIA 3,445 views

Healthy Tips to Beat Warmth of Summer and Stay Healthy

Summer is ON- it is the time to care yourself a little extra in these long hot lazy days.

Summer is the open invitation for fun activities. So stay healthy and gorgeous this summer follow these simple tips:

Drink minimum 8-12 glasses of water to keep yourself hydrated for the whole long day. It will not solely lower down your stress level but also replenish your energy level. Not drinking enough water is not good for health, on the other hand, it makes you crave for food.

Beverage- Tired with the taste of water, add flavors in it and keep yourself hydrated.

  • Exercise

Not let the summer ruin your body form. Exercise regularly without any excuse. You can wake up early so that heat can’t spoil your exercise routine. There are a lot of workouts which you can do by staying at home if you are a late riser.

If you are not exercising buddy you can walk for 20-30 minutes and go for stairs instead of elevators. Stay fit.

Numbers of fruit available in this season which are again best source to keep yourself hydrated. Have a fresh cup of juice and stay cool and enjoy the season. You can consume other liquid like lassi to stay hydrated.

  • Stay safe from direct sunlight

Sun drains water from your body, additionally harm the body when came in direct contact with rays of the sun. Just apply Sunscreen to save your skin from tanning and sunburn before going out. Cover other exposed part from the sun as well. Keep in mind to wear right quality of glasses to save most sensitive part of body – eyes.

  • Hair care

Protect your hair from direct harmful UV rays by covering hair with a scarf in this season. Wash hair after 2-3 days, avoid washing your hair daily it will end the natural oil from hair. Don’t forget to apply moisture after washing hair.

  • Say big No to oily and junk foods

Oily and Junk food – a big No without any second though. If you are big junk food lover at least reduce the amount and try to replace them with delicious healthy choices of the season vegetables and fruits.

  • No Alcohol

Reduce your level of consumption otherwise see you in the hospital. Avoid smoking also.

  • Sleep Well

Don’t let the summer be the reason to compromise with sleep. Follow your daily sleep routine after the long day for body rest that you all need for staying healthy. So no cheating.

Enjoy the summer. Don’t let the heat beat your summer fun.

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