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Healthy Food
By ADA BENTON 2,171 views

Be Ware! Is Your Healthy Food Serving Its Purpose?

To live a healthy life, people usually pay heed to healthy food. But what if, this healthy food turns into poisonous one? You might have been eating nutritious food full of vitamins, nutrients that are not just good but quintessential for health. But in spite of your efforts, this nutritious food turns out toxic which is completely fatal to your health. Wondering how?

Well, most of the household are still unaware of the fact that the utensils they use might become a solid reason for their health issues like chronic headache, diabetes, high blood pressure, liver problems, thyroid, and even cancer. Yes, this is true! Your utensils actually decide what you are eating, healthy food or poisonous one in the face of healthy food?

Saint Dr. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan being the best mentor and caretaker doesn’t just guide people for their spiritual upliftment but also help them live a healthy life by making them aware about the wrong routines time to time. By looking at the heavy usage of aluminum and other harmful utensils, He has added one more initiative in the Dera Sacha Sauda welfare list, to stop people eating slow poisons which are continually pushing them towards deadly diseases. He clearly stated about the harmful impacts of using these utensils which are eating up your life consistently.

Just go through these precautions suggested by Baba Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh that you must adopt in your daily life:

Non-Stick Cookware

90% or more households use non-stick cookware in their regular life. It contains PTFE (Polytetrafluorethylene) and Teflon coating which is quite harmful to the body. When food is cooked in this cookware, then all the dangerous metals like cadmium and mercury gets fixed up with food and you eat up malicious food. So, even if you prepare the most healthy food, it automatically converts into a deadly one if you have prepared in non-stick utensils.

Aluminum Utensils

The cheapest, easily & conveniently available aluminum is not good for health. Sometimes, one needs to overlook the price to choose the health and aluminum is no exception to this phrase. Do you know, in the British era, how the food was served to the Indian prisoners? They used aluminum utensils only because they knew that it’s a slow poison and slowly the entire body starts losing energy and its vital components by directly affecting the kidneys and lungs after eating food in aluminum utensils.

 Whatever you cook or even just keep in aluminum utensils, its chemicals start mixing up with the food you eat and start accumulating in the body. Not believing? Then just do one experiment. Weigh your aluminum utensil before using and after three to four years, check the weight. You will be surprised after knowing that it considerably loosened its weight because when these are heated, its metal gets accumulated in the food and then eventually in the body.

Aluminum Foil

Everyone uses aluminum foil to wrap the food in it. But is it safe? No! Whenever you keep hot dishes and food in it, all the chemicals gather together within the food. Along with giving many health issues, it reduces the body capability to absorb zinc. Zinc is quite important for bones and mind.

Plastic Boxes

This is again another problem that you must throw out of your home. It’s very well known to everyone that plastic is extremely toxic. Plastic is made up of Bisphenol A or Bisphenol S. Both of these are quite dangerous for health. It directly targets your immune, hormones and makes you obese, which ultimately leads to diabetes and heart problems.

So, these are the main problems that are causing health issues and making you unhealthy every now & then. Saint MSG has not just enunciated the problem but also has given world-class solutions to it. Here are these:

Stay Healthy by Adopting These Measures!

Instead of using non-stick and aluminum cookware, Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh suggested using utensils made up of steel, iron, copper or pottery. Our ancestors and people of that earlier era were least supposed to health risk because they usually used pottery or copper & iron cookware which are quite beneficial for the health. It particles after getting mixed with food, benefit the body in one or another way. Similarly, in the case of aluminum foil, you can use either cotton cloth or butter paper and by replacing plastic boxes, you can use glass boxes or steel boxes.

So, as per MSG, you can choose your health and stay fit by preserving all essential components of food and not letting them become toxic. Just leave these products and stay fit.

Ada Benton

Hi, I'm Ada Benton, working as an online marketing consultant in a award winning marketing firm.

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