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Adam Elayan
By JOE MAILLET 1,899 views

Healthy Diet Tips for Wrestlers Who Want to Lose Weight

So you are thinking to start a wrestling program? Or you have just started wrestling? I know, sometimes it becomes very challenging for wrestlers to lose weight. For some it can be a very daunting task. An ill-informed diet can make you gain more weight. But you don’t need to do crash dieting or over-exercise to lose those extra pounds. No need to take those expensive weight-loss supplements either. All you need is a healthy diet so that you become stronger and perform better in the long run. Here are some diet tips from Adam Elayan who is a champion in wrestling!

Drink Lots of Water to Lose Weight

Dehydration is the biggest problem when you are trying to lose weight. It will not only hinder your weight loss but also affect your performance in the ring.

Drink Lots of Water to Lose Weight

You may develop cramps or strength loss if you are not drinking enough water. So, it is necessary that you drink enough fluids throughout the day. You should also drink water after every 15-20 minutes in the gym or ring. Avoid beverages like soda and coffee. Also, avoid diet coke or fruit drinks. Not only will they cause dehydration but will also add calories.

Reduce sodium intake

Excess Sodium intake leads to water retention in your stomach.  It will cause bloating and puffiness. So, reduce your salt intake and shed that water weight. Always prefer fresh vegetables over packaged or canned food. Avoid dressing and sauces in a fast-food restaurant. Avoid eating at fast-food chains. Yes, that includes eating pizza, burgers! That will only add calories and extra sodium to your diet.

Consume protein-rich snacks after workouts

Fat usually slows down our digestion. But eating protein-rich food after workouts will improve your metabolism. You will keep on burning fat after exercise. It will also help in maintaining the muscle mass for energy. You should include whey protein shakes and yogurt snacks in your diet. You can also eat your favorite peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Eat high-carbohydrate food

I know a lot of wrestlers who stop eating carbohydrates in order to lose weight quickly. But this is a big mistake. You need energy for your wrestling workouts! So, indulge in a high-carbohydrate bar while you are cutting your weight.

Eat high-carbohydrate food

So, next time you are about to start your wrestling practice, eat high-carbohydrate food to fuel your body and to kick start your weight loss.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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