Struggling with upsetting emotions, frightening memories, and a constant fear is the result of emotional and Psychological trauma. When you experienced any type of trauma in your life, you feel numb, disconnected and unable to trust people. We shared a number of relationships in our life and when things went bad, it becomes difficult to handle all the stress and anxiety. It also takes a while to get over the pain and feel safe again with the relationships.
Jonah Robins a leading transformational coach experienced in quickly and safely address the emotional and body based problem of people, shared the self-help strategies to speed your recovery and move on.
When we talk about emotional and psychological trauma caused by stressful events that shake your sense of security and make you feel helpless in a dangerous world and are called traumatic experiences. It cannot be only physical harm but also an emotional experience that leaves you frightened and helpless. It can be caused due to an accident, natural disaster, living in a crime-ridden neighborhood, sudden death of someone close, abusive relationship, chronic health issues and a humiliating or deeply disappointing experience.Here are some tips which will help you for recovering from trauma.
Get Moving
Basically, trauma disturbs the natural equilibrium of our body or you can say your nervous system gets stuck due to hyperarousal and fear. This is we called as a freezing situation of the nervous system when experience an emotional and psychological trauma. The first and the important thing which needs to be done is burning off adrenaline and releasing of endorphin by exercising and movement which will unstick your nervous system.
According to Jonah Robins, Rhythmic exercises such as walking, running, swimming, dancing or drumming engages both your arms and legs and works well by distracting your thoughts from the stress to focus on your body. Meditation also helps to take out negative energy from your body.
Do not isolate
People isolate themselves from others and keep a distance from talking to other people when going through a trauma. Do not withdraw from others because isolation makes things worse. When you connect face to face with others it helps you to heal. Connecting with people does not mean to talk about trauma. You can also share your feelings with someone who listens to you without judging you. Another way is to participate in social activities. You can join a support group for trauma survivors. Hang out with old friends or make new friends.
Self-Regulate your Nervous System
The trauma left you to feel agitated, anxious or out of control however it is important to understand how you can change your arousal system and calm yourself. Mindful breathing is a technique in which you take 60 breaths and focus your attention on each out breath. Other is sensory input which means a specific sight, smell or taste quickly change your state of mind. You have to find out which one works best for you.
Take Care of your Health
Do not neglect your health. Take plenty of sleep. Avoid alcohol and drugs as it only worse your trauma symptoms. Eat a well-balanced diet and reduce stress by meditation.Above mentioned tips shared by a leading transformational coach Jonah Robins can help you out to deal with a tough phase of your life and make your nervous system strong and relaxed.
Wow! Great Information But It’s not sufficient for me. Could You share me some videos for Rhythmic exercises.
Thanx Eric for your consideration. I will surely send you some videos of mine where you can thoroughly take the idea.