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Hair extension
By SHASHI RANJAN 2,959 views

A Closer Look into the World of Wigs, Hair Extensions and Weaves

There are different types of artificial hairstyles and methods when it comes to hair-styling. From choosing the right length to colour, picking the right one can be troublesome at times. Unfortunately, many people are not so lucky to experiment because of hair fall or any other reason. The one who doesn’t face hair fall will still choose to go for artificial hair or wigs. Here is a complete guide before going the artificial way.

Hair Extensions

About: Human hair extensions are available in real human hair while others are synthetics. Both real and synthetic forms are available in different colours, styles and applications. The quality of synthetics may vary, but most of them are usually stiff and the volume is a bit different from real hair.

Caring tips: The lifespan of luxurious hair extensions typically range between 3-6 months to a year or more. Actually the life of extensions depends on how they are being cared. The more you heat the hair for style and wash, the shorter lifespan it would be.

Expert tips: It is recommended to maintain a good and healthy routine for your extensions to enjoy the bliss of fuller, healthier and thicker locks.


About: There are lots of reasons behind donning a human hair toupee. Some want to camouflage hair loss while others take it as apparel to keep altering change in appearance. A convenience is also an option as it promotes instant style.

Caring tips: Whatever the reason for wearing a wig is, make sure not to use sticky or dense products. The more products you pour in the heavier it gets. In the end, the appearance of your wig will be dull and unappealing. However, if you cannot resist the wish of adding more style through hair products, make sure to clean it thoroughly.

Expert tips: As a rule of thumb, shorter wigs are easy to maintain. If you’re prone to styling, limit it when the wig is wet. It is important to note that wigs must be kept away from dust, direct sunlight and intense heat.


About: Weaves are a wonderful way of creating an exceptional style as it allows you to append length and natural appearance to existing hair. Most importantly, weaves are great for a healthier window along with promoting relaxation and fullness.

Caring tips: While washing weaves, make sure to be gentle with these hair extensions. Weaves are sewn directly into the natural base of your hair. Therefore, you must be careful enough to maintain durability and appearance.

Expert tips: Sometimes you need to give some breaks to your hair. It is important to wear your own hair for a particular period (weeks) to provide some breathing space for the scalp. This practice minimizes stress coming from braids.


Hair-styling is a good consideration. However, you need to find the best product to make the same stand out of the box in the most scintillating way. Check out the different human hair wigs for the best styling.

Shashi Ranjan

Hi i am Shashi Ranjan, I am talented and experienced digital marketing professional and SEO specialist and also a prolific blogger. I am committed to assist the businesses to succeed in an increasingly technological environment.

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