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By LUIZA VICKERS 2,004 views

Gyphosates are Working their way into the Entire Food Chain

Glyphosate is one of the most extensively utilized herbicides in records. Farmers scatter these substances to treat every acre of cropland. Everywhere around the world, this practice of spreading herbicide around is famous. Glyphosate is studied as a herbicide having as a wide spectrum, It implies that it I dangerous for all the vegetation it’s sprinkled on. Initially, in previous years, its usage was very less but now the usage has increased manifold. Farmers spatter it wherever they want to destroy all vegetation, for example, in between the rows in farms or grapevines, in industrial lots, also it is sprayed near the train paths or power line.

Many experiments have been conducted by the Food and Drug Administration who have examined honey for glyphosate, the bureau has discovered that some parts of the honey have been infected by the glyphosate and some are left since glyphosate is never undeviatingly practiced to bee swarms. The glyphosate is proceeding its move into honey via the bees that assemble it from diffused plants, this can’t be controlled unless its usage is controlled. But apparently, bee breeders are not violating any laws because they aren’t the people who are applying the weed killer.

Another test conducted by researches on food items is of the testimony that the signs of glyphosate have been found out in the organic eggs too. So this is another example quoting how Gyphosfates is entering our food chain. The matter of concern here is that anyhow glyphosate is entering up our bodies through the food chain, and slowly steadily it will harm our body. So not only a normal human being having zero medical conditions is harming from this dangerous chemical which has entered the food chain but also our children, pregnant ladies are the one who are most prone to this danger. Not only the humans but the growing usage of the glyphosate is also crashing the metabolism, germination and breeding of aquatic beings and could be decaying the vital abdomen bacteria of creatures like bees. This herbicide is hitting both the human and the animal race.

The principal Consideration for this issue of Gyphosfates entering into the entire food chain as observed by Luiza Vickers is that this chemical has the capability of inducing cancer in humans but still the consumption level are not that much high for it to be dangerous. But this is just the beginning, small bits make the oceans, its widespread usage has led it to enter the food chain and within no time it will affect the human life as it will be present in everything we consume and then automatically the level of consumption would increase. The need for the hour according to Luiza Vickers is to lessen the widespread usage of this herbicide, the government should set control limits on its usage and also some other substitutes should be found to serve their purposes which are less affecting the human and the animal race.

Luiza Vickers

Luiza Vickers was born on March 14, 1979, in Poland. Growing up in Poland at those times while not easy gave families a chance to share in what really mattered togetherness, shared struggle, and God. Luiza's family owned a small farm where they harvested all their own produce and meat. In 1979 they had to as the political system made times hard all over Eastern Europe. At 16 Luiza Vickers emigrated to the United States of America moving to Greenpoint, a community of some 50,000 Poles in Brooklyn NYC. She studied in American schools and due to her academic excellence graduated 2 years early and was given a full scholarship to the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. In 1997 she met the man who would become her husband Damon Vickers.

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