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The Ultimate Guide to Stain Removal While Traveling
By NOUMAN TAHIR 1,370 views

The Ultimate Guide to Stain Removal While Traveling

Getting rid of the stains from your clothes especially when you’re traveling can be troublesome due to many factors like lack of resources or not enough knowledge about the environment which you can take advantage of and besides that, if you’re traveling with family, then there would be more complications. But don’t worry, you can hire the laundry even while traveling to make sure that your clothes are properly washed under the care of professionals and safely delivered to your destination. If you want to be more resourceful, then you can follow the guides mentioned below to keep your clothes clean while in transit:

Know the Stain Type

Knowing all the stain types is one of the finest guides you can follow while you’re traveling with your family. That’s because later on, you’ll know exactly what procedure to follow to get rid of stains from your clothes. Furthermore, the stains you can get on your clothes would be mostly of food, grease, and ink which are normal and you should have enough information about it so you can remove it without any trouble.

Carrying Required Equipment

Packing the required essentials is a must when you’re traveling because stains are one thing you cannot protect your clothes from no matter how hard you try. In that case, you can carry a stain-resistant traveller which will bring your trouble to a minimum.

Pack a stain removal kit in your bag filled with a stain remover, wipes, plastic bag, and a small brush as these items are more than enough to save you from the trouble of your clothes getting dirty from stains.

Taking Action Immediately

Another crucial guide you must follow for tackling stains on your clothes while in transit is to take immediate action because it’ll stop the stain from spreading any further or deeper, the longer you wait, the harder it’ll get for you.

Even if a tiny drop of juice from your meal drops on your clothes, quickly blot it with a clean cloth to prevent it from spreading, and remember not to rub the stain as it’ll make your clothes even worse.

Information about the Fabric

If you know all the fabric types, then you won’t face any difficulty in getting rid of stains from your outfit whatsoever. In short, it’s a guide you must follow to make your travel smooth.

You can read the label of your clothes as well to get further detail about the procedure of removing stains and keep in mind that delicate fabric requires a gentle treatment, so keep a detergent suitable for sensitive fabric as well.

Now let’s have a look at the types of stains and effective procedures for removing them:

Tea and Coffee Stains

Tea and Coffee stains are one of the most common types that cannot be avoided at the time, so if you’re in a situation in which your clothes get tea and coffee stains, then instead of getting panicked, you can follow the steps mentioned below: Blot the Stain Removal with a clean cloth or a towel thoroughly. Pour your outfit into cold water, then rub it with a mixture of mild detergent and water. If the stain is odd or robust, then you can try a combination of vinegar and water.

Wine Stains

The wine Stain Removal can damage your clothes no matter how much you try to protect them and it’ll give you second thoughts on how to get rid of wine when it spills on the clothes as it has a sticky substance that makes it harder to remove.

But there’s a solution you can use in the form of a guide, all you need to do is follow some simple steps, and your clothes will get completely cleaned:

Quickly blot the wine stain to prevent the excess liquid from going further in your clothes. The second step is to apply some salt on the affected area to get rid of the remaining stain. Rinse your clothes with cold water and apply stain remover to completely wash away the stain.

Oil and Grease Stains

Getting rid of oily and greasy stains is the toughest because of the sticky substance it contains which absorbs in your clothes quickly. Furthermore, when you’re traveling, oil and grease stains are the most common type that can get on your clothes, so instead of leaving it for a later wash, you can follow some easy instructions which are mentioned below:

The first step is to blot the stain gently with a clean towel or cloth. Then apply a cornstarch or powder on the stain and let it set for some hours. Use a brush to remove the powder, then apply a stain remover.

Ink Stains

Ink stains are the most common as everyone uses a pen to write something and when it comes to traveling, you need to cross-check your clothes to see if there are any by paying close attention to your clothes because ink stains are one of the toughest to get rid of.

All you need to do is to keep the following steps right on the tips of your fingers to wash your clothes properly and all the ink Stain Removal are completely removed.

Dab the stain gently then rub it with alcohol or a hand sanitizer on the stain. Keep blotting the area until the ink stain is completely removed. Then, wash your outfit with a durable detergent to make sure there’s no trace of ink remaining.

Before You Go

Whether you like it or not, getting stains on your clothes while traveling is common and for that, you need to have some additional knowledge such as type of stains, type of fabrics, quick action, and have all the required equipment in your bag.

Furthermore, there are some other stains like ink stains, oil stains and even wine stains for which using cold water, a clean towel, and a sprinkle of salt is mandatory if required, so make sure to follow all the proper instructions mentioned above to keep your clothes clean while traveling.

Getting rid of the stain Removal from your clothes especially when you’re traveling can be troublesome due to many factors like lack of resources or not enough knowledge about the environment which you can take advantage of besides that, if you’re traveling with family, then there would be more complications.

But don’t worry, you can hire the laundry even while traveling to make sure that your clothes are properly washed under the care of professionals and safely delivered to your destination. If you want to be more resourceful, then you can follow the guides mentioned below to keep your clothes clean while in transit:

Nouman Tahir

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