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By JOE MAILLET 1,512 views

Kicking the 9 to 5 to the Curb – Your Guide to Freelancing Freedom

The 9 to 5 lifestyle is slowly, but surely, dying out in the modern working world. Flexitime, work from home schemes and full remote work opportunities are becoming increasingly popular. This is because employers have had to seek ways to entice a workforce who value their free time and want to create a better work/life balance in their lives. Which has seen a rise in freelancers as a result of this pursuit? Read more here.

So, if you are considering a change in career to freelancing then ensure you make the following considerations before taking the leap:

Get a Website

Whether you build it yourself, commission someone else to do it or use a standard template site, one fact remains: a website is vital for your future success as a freelancer.

A site offers a number of features for your freelancing efforts. It can be a portfolio for your work, an example of what you can do (if you’re a web developer, for example), the site can also be a way to ensure you get conversions at any point. This means you could be getting clients as you sleep!

A good blog can also act as a mouthpiece to demonstrate your knowledge and expertise in your sector. The better your blog is, the more likely you will be able to actually find conversions and be able to actually prove to potentially clients you know what you’re talking about.

Websites are actually quite affordable and easy to adapt however you like, so don’t be scared of this step. Especially considering it is so necessary!

Build Your Clients First, Quit Your Job Later

Moonlighting as a freelancer is really the best way to start down this path. It’s a much safer option.

The fact is that if you want to quit your job then there needs to be a level of security which allows you to do so. Financially comes under the next section. But, also in terms of prospects and potential workflow that you have come through your door.

Starting with a few clients on the side can also be a great way to trial your freelancing and determine whether you have the potential to be successful or not. After all, if you fail to gain clients on the side then it may be difficult doing so full-time as well. An important consideration if financial worries or debt is a consequence of not gaining the right number of clients.

Have a Safety Net (Made of Money)

If going freelance full-time is a long-term goal of yours, then start saving today.

Ultimately, the financial safety net is a big weight off your mind. As the feast or famine cycle is a big part of freelancing, savings can be vital in order to support you through the famine part of your cycle. The fact is that if you go freelance, then you almost have to expect periods where you may not receive the correct payment or even any payment on time.

Separating your personal and freelance balance can also be very important. As without this level of separation, you may accidentally find yourself spending money you don’t have, especially important to avoid if you’re not sure about paying taxes. A business account separate from your personal banking is the smartest option in this scenario – especially if you have any issues when it comes to filing your taxes or expenses at some point down the line.

Work Out Your Taxes/Business Accounts Now

Addressing and learning about taxes after you’ve already spent the money is a harsh reality to find yourself in. But, luckily, it is also one that tends to be easily avoidable. So long as you do the necessary preparation and research beforehand.

Knowing you are financially safe can also help ensure your freelancing career isn’t a flop straight away. And if taxes seem like a daunting prospect, it’s a great way to check.

A Quick Round Up

If you are looking to change to a freelancing career then the above can be extremely helpful in ensuring the process goes as smoothly as possible. Here’s a quick breakdown of the key points if you didn’t read the full article:

    • A website is your freelancer base, don’t quit your job before you have one that has produced at least one client (preferably more if you err on the side of caution). Or consider a modern app, though you may need app developers to create that for you.
    • Having a handful of clients, who have shown no desire to seek your work elsewhere, is always advisable. It presents a steady income as you are just starting out.
    • Make sure there is a solid safety net under you when it comes to money.
      Keep your business and personal money separate, as it can help keep your overall financial wellbeing in check as a freelancer.

And there you have it! All of the things you need to know in order to become a successful freelancer – maybe not overnight, but in the long-term, this will be the best way to ensure your success.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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