It is a sad but true fact that so many businesses that provide an outstanding service or offer a wide range of goods continually fail to reach their potential. They are often selling themselves short as they do not know how to increase their visibility and rely on guesswork when it comes to advertising.
Some of this might be because they simply do not have the skills or resources to tap into digital technology and online sources. Trying to find the right employee through a recruitment process isn’t guaranteed to be successful, even if the interviewer knows what they are looking for. It also costs time and money, which would be far better invested in the services of a digital marketing agency such as King Kong.
They have the skills and tools to make the most of Google ads on behalf of their clients which can create a huge increase in leads, which offers the opportunity to turn them into cash-purchasing customers to generate huge growth so that the true potential of the business can be achieved.
Reasons to Partner with an Agency for Google Ads Success
Here are some of the great reasons to allow an agency to take advantage of the possibilities offered through Google ads.
- Google is simply huge, with trillions of people using its pages every day looking for information online. That offers an amazing number of potential customers waiting to be enticed by those who have the skills and knowledge through extensive experience to find the right ones. Specialist techniques, which are picked up through an agency investing heavily so that they can deliver the best services to their clients, lead to the target audience being reached by using the right keywords and knowing when to place an ad.
- Once the perfect audience has been found through researching demographics and other vital data it will direct them to a landing page, which is where an agency can also assist. Once they reach a website or social media page, the potential customer needs to find things that they want and make them feel excited by buying the products. The best agencies use smart ways to achieve this as their ads don’t even look like traditional advertising. Instead, they may be short, interesting posts of few sentences but containing those vital keywords.
- While there is a captive audience to a degree on social media, many who scroll through the various pages are less likely to be looking to find a product than they are when they choose Google to key in what they are looking for. Therefore, there is intent to be capitalised upon. The ads will be in prominent places which saves those looking for something time checking out numerous individual links. They can go straight to what they are looking for, with that extra piece of mind knowing that Google is a reputable and trusted name, so therefore those who choose to advertise on it will be of similar standards.
- Budgeting and keeping control of its finances is extremely important for any business. Choosing a digital marketing agency will ensure that the budget is adhered to and that they will deliver the best value for money that they can so that their client continues to use them. Their PPC or pay-per-click ratio will be outstanding by using proven methods to make the most of the resources available to them as Google ads offer them full budget control.
- The results are easy to keep a check on allowing accountability and scalability when things begin to take off and leads are capitalised upon. If something isn’t quite right, an experienced member of an agency team will know how to make subtle adjustments that can make a great deal of difference and get things on track quickly without the business chasing shadows trying to find a solution which they don’t know where to look for. While SEO is a great way of generating greater visibility as websites rise to the top of Google rankings, an ad cuts to the chase and saves time when a potential customer immediately finds exactly what they are looking for.
- Google ads, when in the right hands, are also a fantastic way to boost brand awareness, as the name of a business becomes more visible and is remembered by those who continually see it in a prominent place. Being associated with Google should never be underestimated, no matter how tenuous the link may be, as many who are doing the searching are oblivious to real connections. It will provide them with the confidence to take a look and then find what they might be looking for, leading to increased conversions when they end up on a landing page.
Google ads, when in the hands of a leading digital marketing agency, are a fantastic way to boost the visibility of a business and offer it growth potential.