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By JOE MAILLET 4,218 views

Challenges faced by a Freelance Animator

There are few fields that offer you the opportunities that animation does – you get to explore technology, creativity, and artistic ability, all while enjoying the results you put out because it entertains other people. Animation is everywhere as well, whether you are looking at two-dimensional cartoons or a high-definition CGI image. You also get the chance to allow your work to shine in video games, movies, television series, advertisements, and so on.

That does not mean the work of an animator is easy though – especially as a freelance animator at dormzi or any other organization. There are some challenges you will face, and some of these issues are also common to other freelancers. While it is good to earn some extra money and have the benefit of running your own business, it is important to know what these challenges are so that you are more prepared when getting into the job.

Requests from clients can sometimes be vague

In the long term, an ambiguous project will not only waste your time, but also the client’s money. However, there are times when you may encounter a client who does not reveal expressly what they need from you in terms of the project results, because they may be unsure of their own goals. There are other times when a client may not want to offend you as well, and so they avoid being direct when providing the instructions.

When you are getting into freelancing, ensure you save your own time by letting the clients know they can clarify their objectives before you begin the project. If there is still some doubt, help your client by drafting a contract that tells them what you can do and minimizes the total number of revisions you are going to do, in order to reduce your costs.

Some clients micromanaging your progress

clients micromanaging

Regardless of the freelancing field you do, you want to tell the client what they should expect. However, the last thing you want is a micromanager, especially in a field like animation where projects take weeks to complete – even the simplest looking of projects.

Getting a client that micromanages you can easily leave you feeling frustrated and stressed and you are under constant pressure to just give results the client wants instead of producing high-quality work. In order to eliminate this problem, tell the client your own limits right from the beginning, and let them know when they can communicate with you if something arises.

Clients becoming unreliable

One of the disadvantages of a flexible schedule is having uncertain or sudden workloads at times – no matter how much you try to regulate them. It can also be a frustrating process working with unreliable clients who do not deliver on their promises, and working with those who continuously give you assignments later than you expected.

It is important to set concise expectations with the clients even before taking up the job, and if there are extra jobs that are on a rush, they should foot the bill and pay you extra. It is hard enough tackling one animation project; you do not want to be overwhelmed by the sudden rush of new jobs.

Lack of proper communication

proper communication

If you have a client on your hands who cannot communicate with you – then you have a heavy load on your hands. Animation is a team-effort job; even though there are some aspects you will handle on your own, you will need to communicate with the client to know their vision and what they expect, as well as making adjustments along the way if you need to do so.

Ensure that you set the expectations of how the client can reach you and when (for instance, you do not want them to call when you are in the middle of another meeting), as well as having open communication channels when you can talk to them about the project.

Clients giving you low pay

If there is an ultimate problem a freelancer faces in general, it is low payments. There are clients who assume they can just low-ball you, especially if you are a freelancer in a creative field, and think they can get away with paying you far less than the effort you put into the job.

The animation is a very demanding job, and you need to minimize the frustration you feel when you have a client who does not appreciate your labor. Have your own expectations upfront, and post your rates on your website clearly. Additionally, save yourself some pain and only work with clients who are willing to pay you an acceptable range.

While you cannot control the responses from freelance clients, you can manage your own experiences and expectations through using these tips for greater success.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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