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increase productivity
By KEVINARMEN 2,083 views

9 Proven ways to Stay Focused that Increase Productivity

Today I want to share with you some simple but very powerful ways to improve productivity that have helped many of my clients achieve outstanding results and become leaders in their industries.

Follow your usual daily routine

People who demonstrate super-high productivity, as a rule, achieve this not due to strong will, but due to building their usual daily routine.

The famous writer Stephen King takes a vitamin pill every day at 8 in the morning, turns on the same music, brings the same chair to the desk, and starts to work – regardless of whether he feels inspiration or not. It is this ritual that allows the writer to “turn on” his imagination and gain inspiration if he was not in the morning.

Make yourself the right daily routine and stick to it. Remember that inspiration is not random luck, but a planned result.

Use for your own benefit human disapproval

Man has a desire to please others and avoid conflicts.

But here’s what I’ll tell you: you can either do your job on a world level or like everyone around you – you won’t be able to combine one with the other.

The very essence of high performance and outstanding craftsmanship implies that you should be fully focused on business. This means that you quite often have to ignore requests to respond urgently to letters, turn off your mobile phone and reject a bunch of social obligations that only distract from work.

Of course, people will be angry with you for that. But the full realization of their own talents and skills is much more important than human disapproval. Moreover, you need it to improve your own skills.

Appreciate the hardships and hardships

In our society, it is customary to consider everything that is disordered, uncomfortable, and troubling to be bad. And everything that gives pleasure and does not require effort is considered wonderful.

But the fact is that every outstanding master of his craft is doomed to hardships and hardships. And if you want to become the most productive in your field of activity, you need to come to terms with the fact that pain and suffering await you along the way.

During his lifetime, Van Gogh vegetated in complete obscurity; worldwide fame came to him only after death. But he continued to paint. Steve Jobs was all considered an eccentric loser, but with the stubbornness of a maniac, he achieved the unsurpassed quality of his products.

In general, it seems to me that at first all the seers are ridiculed and only then they begin to idolize. All innovators hear cynical criticism and condemnation, but they are ready to suffer for the sake of embodying their original ideas, knowing that a matter that comes easy is rarely the best thing in life.

Implement Conversions Gradually

Outstanding productivity growth cannot be achieved through a single revolutionary transformation. Quite the contrary: large-scale growth in productivity is the result of subtle but daily victories. Five small steps forward every day – this is 1850 wins a year! Keep in mind that the things you do regularly are a hundred times more important than the actions you do occasionally.

Remember that high performance can lead to complete exhaustion

Try to drag a heavy load without respite – and soon, having become exhausted, you will be forced to stop. And if you take short breaks every now and then, you will eventually overcome a much greater distance than you could imagine.

Try to work with maximum efficiency and concentration for an hour and a half, and then take a 10-minute break to rest, relax, and “refuel” with energy. If you break your working day into such cycles, then your energy and productivity will reach previously unknown heights.


The most successful entrepreneurs know how important it is to follow the rule – that is, to cut out time every day for Loneliness, Silence, and Peace. Surprisingly, after such a break in reflection, they become more focused and productive. Engaged in such “doing nothing”, successful entrepreneurs achieve all their goals.

Imitate Leaders

Recent scientific studies have revealed that it turns out to be easier to change a person’s thinking style using a certain model of behavior than to change his behavior using a certain way of thinking.

In other words, if in your actions you begin to imitate the most productive of the entrepreneurs you know, then after a while your thinking will automatically “reconfigure” to high productivity.

Consider hiring an assistant

Are non-profit tasks like reading email, updating social networks, or updating contact lists slowing down?

The cost of a few money on a virtual assistant can be worth it. Freelancer sites like Upwork have many features.

Take an assistant – even if only for an hour a day – to complete these tasks so you can focus on important, money-making businesses.

Stay online

Creating a network of other home business owners or people in your industry can help you motivate you throughout the day.

Consider organizing periodic coffee or lunch meetings with people in your industry or joining a group of professional networks. Sometimes it also helps just to get out of the house and work in a local cafe.

A recent study by Jory Mackay in Inc. found that coffee makers have the right noise and decibels to help increase productivity.

With self-awareness and planning, you can limit distractions and significantly increase productivity.


Kevin Armen is a true expert when it comes to presenting a text in a creative and understandable manner. Now he’s a writer for TropicHealthClub.

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