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fashionable face covers for women
By JOE MAILLET 2,217 views

5 Features you must look for in Fashionable Face Covers for Women

With the world fighting against the coronavirus outbreak and relevant regulations being officially implemented by governments in many countries, wearing a face mask has become a necessity for protection. Although people are following the face cover guidelines, some feel a bit uncomfortable wearing a mask on their faces. The problem is common among professionals who feel the need to elevate their appearance for meetings and conferences. For this reason, fashionable face covers for women and men both are becoming more and more popular.

Fashionable face masks for women and men are not only comfortable but also look appealing. But before you buy them in bulk, it’s vital to ensure that they are effective and provide complete protection. Here, we have mentioned some features that you must look for in a protective face mask.

The filtration power

The effectiveness of a mask depends on its filtration power. A handmade fashionable face cover can provide a good level of protection if it has multiple layers of cotton fabric. According to studies, light fabrics could block only 10-20% of aerosol-sized particles; however, when you add more layers, they can block up to 70-80% of particulate matter altogether.

Breathable fabric

While wearing a fashionable face mask, and especially when you need to keep it on for long periods, you must make sure that the fabric is breathable. Cotton is the fabric that allows you to breathe without hindrance. To make sure that the face mask is right for you, perform a light test. Hold the light up and check if you can see the mask’s individual fibers. If you do, it’s probably not the best choice.

Fits your face

A face mask that is either too large or too small on your face loses its protective power. The reason is water droplets that carry viruses reach your nose or mouth when the mask is too loose. On the other hand, the face cover that is too tight prevents you from breathing properly. When you pick a fashionable face mask, make sure it has a flexible nose strip for adjustment. If not, be sure that the face cover fits your face.

Washable fabric

The point of using a washable face mask is you can reuse it multiple times and benefit from its filtration power and breathability. After each use, you must wash your face using lukewarm water and normal detergent or softener. Before wearing the same mask again, make sure it is completely dry as the damp environment cause bacteria to flourish. Depending on the fabric you are using, you can also iron the mask for extra sterilization.

Comfortable elastic loops

If you will wear a face mask for a long time, ensure that the ear loop isn’t too tight. Wearing a tight elastic could lead to skin irritation and scratches behind the ears. At the same time, you also have to make sure that the mask is secured correctly and doesn’t fall off when you are wearing it.

Keep all these features in mind whenever you shop for fashionable face covers for women or men.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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