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By LISA_BAKER 3,245 views


You do physical activity two or three times a week to maintain your ideal weight and improve your health, every week you take time to pamper your skin, in summer you use sunscreens to protect the skin, oils to hydrate the hair … eyes, what are you doing to protect the eyes? No matter your age, if you wear glasses or not, if you feel discomfort or have eagle eyesight, your eyes deserve the same care that you reserve for the rest of your body. To avoid eye problems, prevention is very important. You will agree with us that sight is one of the most precious senses, which allows us to explore and relate to the outside world. Therefore, today we want to dedicate this article to you where we propose a review of good practices for Eye Health.


Prevention for Healthy Eyes:

Prevention starts early: Teaching children the guidelines for protecting their eyes is the best way to maintain good visual health throughout life.

Schedule periodic checks: An annual ophthalmological examination allows detecting possible eye problems in time. In both vision defects and degenerative eye diseases, prevention is very important and allows the action to be taken in time to improve the person’s lifestyle and the health of their eyes. Periodic check-ups are also recommended in young children since professionals have the appropriate techniques to detect possible problems. If you have myopia or any other type of vision defect, follow the recommendations of your ophthalmologist for better eye care.

Take care of the diet: Food is a very important factor in keeping your eyes healthy and preventing premature aging. In the same way as the rest of the organs and tissues of our body, the eyes can be affected by the type of diet. Eating in a balanced and varied way is very important for the proper functioning of the eyes and to prevent age-related diseases. The foods most indicated for the health of the eyes are those of vegetable origin, rich in vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, nuts, and fish sources of omega 3.


First of all, Protection–

Wear sunglasses or photosensitive lenses to protect your eyes from UV rays. Sunglasses have filters that absorb ultraviolet radiation and prevent it from coming into contact with the eye. If you wear glasses every day, photosensitive glasses could be the most comfortable and ideal solution to protect yourself. This type of lens, in fact, darkens in contact with sunlight, limiting the discomfort caused by glare and absorbing UV rays. Apply makeup and creams correctly. Do you usually put on makeup every day? In addition to choosing safe products, possibly without toxic ingredients, remember to clean your brushes and check your makeup at least once a month. Keeping them in good condition will allow you to prevent irritations and infections. And, even if you love makeup, from time to time let your skin and eyes breathe. They will be grateful to you!


Rest and Care–

Respect breaks and breaks throughout the day. People who use the computer for work and spend many hours in front of the screen should take a break every hour. Getting up, walking, or stretching for 5-10 minutes is good for the whole body and helps to rest the eyes. While working on the computer, in fact, you are using only part of the eye muscles and often putting stress on the shoulders and neck. The 20-20-20 rule (take a break every 20 minutes to visualize a point 20 feet away for 20 seconds) helps avoid Computer Visual Syndrome and other annoyances that affect who performs computer jobs. Use the correct measurements in the workplace. Taking care of the eyes is, above all, synonymous with prevention. Not only people who work in hazardous environments in contact with chemicals and particles of various materials, bright lights, or in the sun, have to follow certain protective measures. Students, for example, are putting their vision at risk when hours are left on books in poorly lit environments. Athletes, too, should protect their eyes with special lenses to reduce the consequences of impacts and the negative effects of UV rays. In general, our eyes stay in shape if we work in well-lit environments, we use protections to avoid contact with toxic elements or particles, and we respect the recommended rest intervals.


Exercises to Strengthen the Eyes:

  1. Sit comfortably in a quiet place, with your back and head against a wall or the back of a chair or sofa.
  2. Without moving your head, begin to move your eyes up and then down, slowly. Repeat about 10 times.
  3. Perform the same exercise, but with a lateral movement. To the left and has
  4. Now, roll your eyes in circles. First on one side, then on the other. 5 reps on each side.
  5. Finally, take an object with your hands (it could be an apple, for example). Stretch your arms and stare at the object. Little by little, begin to bring the object towards your nose while still looking at it. Put it away again and repeat the exercise 10 more times.

Whatever your profession, exercising your eyes to relax your muscles is an action that we should all do daily. It will take only a few minutes and you will be doing it for the sake of the only pair of eyes you will ever have, protecting them is worth it! But, if any way, you feel any discomfort or problem with your eyes, go to the Ophthalmologist.


Dayam Ali is a web engineer, His previous work experience includes author roles in The Hustler's Digest.

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Rachel Frampton
Rachel Frampton
3 years ago

My sister would like to have her eyes checked because she’s been experiencing blurry vision. Well, I also agree with you that it would be best to have her eyes regularly checked. Thank you for clarifying here the importance of seeking recommendations too.