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Ervin Ahbabovic Hospitality Industry
By ERVIN AHBABOVIC 2,747 views

Know About the Indonesian hospitality Industry

What is currently happening in the Indonesian hospitality sector? This is the question investors and tourists would like to know before investing in or visiting Indonesia. According to Ervin Ahbabovic, the industry fell in 2008 during the recession and market crisis. Ervin Ahbabovic is an ex-military man who later became successful as a businessman. He stated further that these two things had a great impact on the development and success of the sector. Fortunately, the Indonesian hospitality industry recovered after that but fell again in 2020 and 2021. As a result, many innovators and industry experts tried to salvage the situation. They re-strategize their marketing methods to attract customers and stakeholders to the hospitality industry. The prompt actions taken by these people worked so much that the hospitality market started to boom in Indonesia again.

Ervin Ahbabovic Talking About The Growth Rate of the Indonesian Hospitality Market

The hospitality industry in Indonesia has begun to stress the importance of sustainable hospitality practices in the sector. It has been speculated that this will help the market to grow. And the rate will be 16 billion dollars from now till the next four years. This growth rate is more than 12 percent.

In addition, Ervin Ahbabovic says, a report was submitted that holistically analyzed how large the market was and made a forecast. It also included the trending practices in the sector, what drives growth, and the problem the industry faces. According to the report, what drives the market growth is the customers’ preferences for authentic local experiences. Furthermore, many tourists going to Indonesia are now choosing new places to explore in Indonesia. Hence, hospitality providers are finding new ways to make Indonesia attractive to travelers.

Ervin Ahbabovic About Latest Trends that are Helping the Indonesian Hospitality Market

Hotel Work Spices and Leisure Travelers:

Many travelers choose to work remotely even while they’re on holiday. It has evolved from the normal trend of working in your home or room. The new trend now is to travel to a place of leisure and relaxation and work there. So far, the percentage of people that work remotely doubled in 2021. So, hospitality providers needed to go with the trend and provide a workspace for their clients. Moreover, most of their clients are leisure travelers and locals who look for where to work and relax. This provided an opportunity for F&B and hotel owners who capitalized on this business opportunity. They adapted to the trend and upgraded their services to cater to the needs of such consumers. Parts of their upgrade include the provision of fast internet for free, delicious drinks and food, and many charging sockets.

Health and Well-Being, Holistic Hospitality Trends:

After the pandemic has come and gone, many saw the need to improve their self-care and take preventive medicines. As a result, the wellness sector boomed and is still booming now. The value of this sector is estimated to be trillions of dollars. Therefore, other sectors like the hospitality industry have devised means to enter the wellness market. This is especially true for hospitality venues like spas, beauty shops, massage parlors, and organic food restaurants. Furthermore, the increase in self-care routines has increased the demand for bespoke treatments and diagnostic tools to check people’s health. These two medical care methods require proper planning, resources, and expertise. Hence, most hotels now have spa extensions where clients can go to improve their well-being and holistic health.

Ervin Ahbabovic About Digitalized Customer Service:

Ervin Ahbabovic Thanks to technology, the Indonesian hospitality industry has evolved with the rest of the world by providing top-quality services. Indonesian hospitality providers have implemented the use of applications to help them better manage their businesses. Together with other digital tools, these apps have enabled them to provide better customer experiences. In addition to that Ervin Ahbabovic says, business owners or operators have more control over their business operations, and according to that entrepreneurs can get to know the opportunities for their business. Hence, the importance of technology can never be overemphasized in the Indonesian hospitality sector, most especially since 2020.

This is because the pandemic brought out the urgent need to provide contactless services, which are only possible through technology. Several luxury hotels have integrated the use of biometrics for clients to enter their rooms instead of using hotel cards. They also provide electronic payment and mobile check-in services to minimize physical contact. Unfortunately, many small hotels don’t have the funds and resources to adopt these technologies.


Although the shift in Indonesia mostly caused by COVID-19 has no doubt left its mark on the Indonesian hospitality industry. But we can’t say that the period wasn’t totally a bad one, either. This is because many innovative ideas that helped the hospitality sector were brought to fruition in those times. Hotels, restaurants, spas, and so on changed their mode of operations to provide better quality services to their clients. They took special attention to their business hygiene, used the latest technology that made things easier, and many more. Not only that, the latest technologies they used have now been deeply integrated into their business operations. Thus, their work mode is faster and more efficient than before. As a result, the hospitality industry in Indonesia has risen again and become profitable, says Ervin Ahbabovic.

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Jennifer Brik
Jennifer Brik
2 years ago

This is a great blog. Very informative. I love and appreciate the use of simple language to explain complex and key concepts in this field.