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business resolution 2019
By NEIL HABOUSH 1,914 views

Entrepreneurs New Year Resolutions for 2019

The beginning of a new year is another chance for entrepreneurs to grab the upcoming opportunity while considering the previous year with all its peaks and valleys and prepare a plan for the coming year, using New Year Resolutions. According to Neil Haboush, to become a successful entrepreneur, one ought to reliably consider the changes they can make and developments they can introduce to build up their business.

Let’s explore four key New Year Resolutions that entrepreneurs must follow to accomplish their business goals.

Learn to be a Leader


Growth in leadership is necessary and not optional. If you want to grow as a leader you have to give up an old approach and have to do things in new ways. For continuous growth, an individual needs to upgrade new skills, instead of relying on the skills that he already possesses. Successful leaders are the ones who continuously update and enlarge their skills and knowledge. In the coming year, promise yourself and make a business resolution that you will leave your comfort zone, and prefer being uncomfortable, as that’s how you grow.

Update Yourself with the Industry Trends

update yourself

Needless to say, upgrading yourself up to date in the changing industry trends is not an easy task. However, being updated about the changes happening in the industry can help you stay ahead in the competitive environment. The best way to keep the knowledge of the trends is by following the top innovators online, making contacts with people in industry events, subscribing to magazines and business blogs. Staying connected to the industry with the help of all these mediums will help you to gain more valuable perspective on what consumers are presently interested in and how you can frame your strategies to grab their interest. These can also support you to discover potential opportunities and threats.

Be Flexible

be flexible

Following industry, patterns are a totally critical component, in any case, one needs to adjust to those trends progressively to satisfy the market needs. One attribute that successful organizations have in common is the capacity to switch direction quickly because of continuous changes in the market. By being alert, one can test diverse methodologies and discover what works best for the business.

Learn to Cope Up With Stress

cope with pressure

Running a business allow you to become your own boss, however, at the same time, it sometimes brings anxiety that can lead to stress. Therefore, Stress management is a necessary skill for entrepreneurs. The key to lead the game is to oversee pressure and re-guide it towards a positive result. A major distinction between a successful businessman and business visionaries is their capacity to oversee pressure. This is the ideal time to add this goal to your rundown as this won’t just enable you to develop your business however will likewise positively affect your own life.

Final Words   

new year resolution

So are you ready to follow this New Year resolution in the upcoming year 2019? Let’s make the win-win game in the year 2019 like a leader Neil Haboush.

Neil Haboush

Neil Haboush is Chief Executive Officer of Good Mind Hunting. With 14 years of professional success and expertise in group management, Neil Haboush moved to Canada to complete a B.Sc. in Political Science and Economics at Concordia University in Montreal.

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