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get jewelry display stands - americanretailsupply
By CHAMSI PIRSON 2,752 views

How to Enhance the Sparkle of your Jewelry

Jewelry display stands are not just great for displaying the beauty of the shiny pieces, they also play a huge role in keeping your expensive inventory safe.

Running a jewelry shop successfully doesn’t have to be complicated; all you need is a plan and a vision. Your target clients will influence several things, such as layout and pricing. However, it is imperative noting that, no matter who your target clients are, you must employ the highest degree of professionalism, after all, a good reputation will depend on how you treat them.

In this case, professionalism narrows down to two things; customer care and being knowledgeable about jewelry. When hiring employees, you need to work with friendly individuals with exceptional personal attributes. So, what must you do to turn visitors into actual clients? The answer is simple, and it has everything to do with the presentation.

Sparkle Of Your Jewelry

Interior design

When setting up a jewelry shop, the interior design plays an imperative role in determining the sales projections. Your first step towards attaining that starts with working with a reputable designer. To make their work more comfortable, it would be great knowing what you want, and if you are struggling with that, it would be brilliant getting online and digging for ideas.

What if you already have a fully operational shop? We are living in a world where innovation reigns supreme. There are simple materials out there that can help you achieve excellent interior design without straining your finances. Creativity in your interior design should reflect simplicity and elegance. Depending on how you do it, the inclusion of accessories such as lighting and displays will prove easy or complicated.


If you have an online presence, chances are, you are likely to invest in high definition and quality images. That is a sure way of getting customers coming to your shop, but it can amount to nothing if the same is not replicated in the physical store. Achieving that is not as hard; all you will need is to invest in attractive display systems, and this means both on the interior and the exterior.

Once you have your exterior window display design figured out, you will need to get jewelry display stands that will incite curiosity to potential customers. Once they are in the store, you would want them to be amazed by the display stands, so for that, you would want to consider the size of the jewelry and their colors.

About the display, depending on the type of jewelry you deal in, you will want to work with a flexible display boxes and stands dealer. This, among other factors, play an imperative role in the overall appearance of the jewelry. Take glass display boxes, for example, they are transparent, and that helps in boosting the sparkle of the jewelry. That with some engraving ensures, the value aspect remains constant.

Lighting systems

Now that the display part is okay let’s talk about lighting systems. Compared to the past few decades, today, advancements in technology have led to better and more effective lighting systems, and there are plenty of those. All you need to do is identify what suits you the best.

Lighting solutions are either mounted over the jewelry, in the actual display boxes, or shone through the boxes. Sometimes all the three apply; it all depends on the entire design of the shop. LED is one of the best and most popular types of lighting suitable for displays, and several factors motivate that.

One of the most popular qualities of LEDs is their cost-effectiveness. That proves ideal, especially when they have to be shone over the jewelry for long periods. When it comes to flexibility, they allow any imaginable design and shape, it all depends on your tastes and preferences. Still on that, the adjustable brightness may contribute immensely to making that sparkle noticed.

Maintenance tips

Selling jewelry is not like making instant coffee, and sometimes you might end up having them on display for quite a long time. That might be or not be a problem, and the difference lies in how well you understand the maintenance procedures. First, you must know what happens when the jewelry loses its luster. In almost all cases, chemical reactions are to blame, and the material of the jewelry determines the severity.

Handling that is simple, and it starts with understanding what you are up against, and restoring the luster is done using chemical and specific equipment(depending on the material).

Final take

Get jewelry display stands? Yes, that is one of the best decisions you will ever make. Several factors will determine the type of display stand you will settle for, two of those being the interior design and type of jewelry. The four listed tips will prove valuable in enhancing or maintaining the sparkle of your jewelry.

Chamsi Pirson

Chamsi Pirson is a freelance content writer and writes for a variety of online publications. he actively writes blogs and articles related to technology, business, fashion, lifestyle, fitness and much more. When he's not working, he likes to cook, d

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