Most people from all over the world including Stephanie Taunton are animal lovers. They love spending time with dogs and cats and never mind sharing homes and hearts with them.
As the saying goes, ‘make your hobby your career, and you’ll never work for a day in your life. If you have a love of animals and wanted to convert into a career, you can do it by studying a vocational course focused on animal care. It will offer you a world of opportunities for you to play and work with furry friends.
1. Zookeeper
Zookeepers look after the animals within the captive institution. It involves all aspects of animal care including cleaning, feeding, and providing the requirements for breeding. It will be a fun activity for those who love feeding those cheeky monkeys or wants to give an elephant shower.
Being a zookeeper is for the strong-hearted. Probably, It’s a physical role which may involve unsociable hours, and working in the outdoors exposures you to all the elements. Building up rapport and trust with the animals is only a small part of the job.
2. Veterinary nurse
If you like working in a smaller environment with smaller animals, then a choosing career as a veterinary nurse may be the best option for you.
As a veterinary nurse, your work profile may include working alongside examine and caring for the animals coming into the practice. Whether they’re being treated for an illness or visiting for a routine check-up.
You’ll assist the vet in many ways, inclusive of sterilizing equipment and prepping, holding animals while undertaking x-rays and during operations. Needless to say, you’ll also take on the role of chief cuddler!
3. Animal care
Getting a Certificate in Animal Care is a great achievement for anyone who’s keen to pursue a career in either a pet shop, a shelter or groomers. This is one of the best ways to start your studies to realize what kind of animal care you may want to specialization in.
Subjects within the certificate course include animal anatomy, animal health, and animal welfare. The focus of this course is mainly on domesticated pets, companion horses and other animals.
4. Companion animal handler
As a trained companion animal trainer, you’ll find multiple career opportunities as you learn new skills. Whether your interest lies in working in, in kennels, a pet store or as a pet exerciser, Getting the Certificate III and Certificate IV in Companion Animal Services will help you unique in the crowd.
Qualified with a set of practical and hands-on skills, you’ll achieve the confidence to take on any animal caring role, or possibly even start your own animal care business. During these courses, you’ll get an opportunity to make contacts within the industry and you will see the professionals in action in real life situations.
Final Thought
So, these are the few perfect jobs for animal lovers. However, instead of a job if you want to start a pet-related business like Stephanie Taunton is doing. You can explore that too.