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solar energy
By BOAZ AUGUSTIN 2,758 views

DIY Solar Panel: Know It All

Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants and artificial photosynthesis.

With how revolutionary this brilliant idea and now the functional system is, Boaz Augustin Madurai, a man dedicated to the field of renewable solar energy in science is here to give tips on how to construct your own solar panel. With solar power being the most abundant energy source, many individuals are upgrading their homes, hoping for a return on their investment. The most challenging part of going solar is the installation process. Keep reading this guide to discover tips for building your solar power setup at home and get you yare for lower energy bills.


There is no “one size fits all” solution with solar panel designs. So, it’s critical to understand what you are probing for in a solar power kit. The first thing to consider is how much space you have available. This will avail determine what solar power products will suit your abode the best. Next, you will have to determine how much energy you will require to power your habitation – This information can be found on your energy bill.

The more energy needed, the more panels you will be required to install.


There are several different solar power products to optate from, all varying in size and facility. Checking the solar power systems’ efficiency can be a good place to commence as of the more efficient, the more energy you can preserve. You can expect most to fall between 17 and 19 percent efficiency, with some reaching 23 percent. The warranty on your solar product is another consequential factor to consider. As time goes on, solar panels can lose their efficacy, causing a decline in engenderment. Most manufacturers will provide a product warranty for about 10-12 years.

You can withal skim reviews on solar kits to better understand what has worked for others and what you should evade.


The location of your solar power products is an essential factor to consider when deciding on setup. Conspicuously, you will require some access to the sun for the solar panels to be efficacious. Trees and other homes are things to consider, as they are the most liable to be blocking the sun.

Typically, for homes in North America, the solar panels will face true south to receive the most sunlight. The tilt of the panels is another thing to consider. Depending on the location you live in will determine the optimal tilt.


There are plenty of incentives for those on the fence about installing solar power products. The solar tax credit sanctions individuals to qualify for tax credits predicated on a certain percent of the equipment’s cost. Depending on the state you live in, you may withal qualify for supplemental tax credits. Rebates are another thing to keep an ocular perceiver out for – The state can offer these, as well as energy companies or other organizations.

Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SREC’s) are certificates you can sell to utility companies sanctioning them to meet their requisites. Selling these certificates can engender adscititious income for users.


If all else fails, consider utilizing a solar installation accommodation. They can avail install your solar energy products, preserving time and headaches.

You can feel better kenning you are in good hands, and the products will be installed correctly.

Boaz Augustin

Boaz Augustin Madurai, an entrepreneur and Co-founding father of Borg Energy India based in Chennai, India. He has completed his Engineering from Anna University (one of the top-notch universities in India), perused MBA. His firm Borg Energy India Pv

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