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Remove Hair Weave Extension
By REBEHAIR 3,898 views

Different Ways to Remove Various Human Hair Extensions

Human Hair extensions fill in as the ideal approach to adding a new style to your hair and can even increase the length and in addition volume. When using extensions for these reasons, you will need to remove them once you have worn them for three months. This secures your natural hair as well as protect your hair extensions. Therefore, there are some extraordinary and most ideal approaches shared by leading wholesale manufacturer rebehair, to remove hair extensions that you should know.

For sewn in hair extensions you should assemble the following things: scissors, cleanser and conditioner, wide tooth comb and an optional hair extension expulsion tool. Remember that these extensions that are sewn in can get to be distinctly tricky to remove and can also possibly cause hair loss if a system for removing them is not taken after.

The initial step to removing them is to find the string that was sewn to your natural hair. When this has been found you will use the scissors to cut the string. However be wary so you don’t trim your hair. Once the string has been trimmed you can pull the extension from your hair and repeat all the way around your head. According to Rebehair, after all extensions have been detached wash and condition your natural hair.

Hair weave Removal by rebehair expert

For glue in extensions, you will require cleanser, conditioner, glue dissolver or remover and a wide tooth comb. These extensions can possibly do a considerable measure of harm so you will need to use the most extreme care while removing these extensions. Apply the paste dissolver or remover to the base of the extensions. Work the expansion until you feel it start to loosen. When it turns out to be free you will use the comb to remove the extension through your natural hair length. Rehash for the rest of the extensions followed by a decent wash and conditioning.

For cold and warm combination extensions you will require bond removal cleanser and conditioner, a wide tooth comb and a bond remover. In spite of the fact that it is prescribed to have these sort of extensions removed at a hair salon, you can, in any case, remove them at home. You should apply the bond remover to the expansion’s base and work it up to the length of the hair and let it sit for at least ten minutes to release the bond. After the assigned time span you will use the wide tooth brush to come to the extensions tenderly out of your hair. Catch up with washing your hair using the bond cleanser and conditioner.

According to Rebehair Expert’s, removing clip in extensions is the least demanding. Simply find each connected expansion and open the clip and slide it out of your hair.

When you have effectively removed these clips it will be beneficial to use hair care products on your regular hair to prevent any harm that may happen. This will also help you to have healthy and strong hair!


Rebe Hair ™ is a hair products factory founded in 2002. Our factory is located in JuanCheng City,China, and is one of the largest hair products factory in China. We carry a great selection of high-quality Hair Weave,Hair Extensions, Lace Wigs, Toupee

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ZALA Halo Hair Extensions

Great info! This is an excellent guide for new hair extension users to learn how to remove their extensions safely without damaging their natural hair! Thanks for sharing!