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best keto supplements
By JOE MAILLET 1,649 views

How to Lose your Extra Fat- The Proper Diet chart for Weight Loss

Nowadays almost every one of us likes to eat outside in restaurants and even if we stay at home, we tried different rich foods. We become foodie. Due to this many of us are overweight. Many of us trying to lose weight by maintaining diet, but after following several days, we become frustrated or lose hope because we don’t get the expected result quickly and cannot keep our patience.

Today I will give you a diet chart with only 14 days challenge. After that, continue the process to be fit and properly healthy. You can surely lose weight about 5-10 kilograms in this 14 days challenge with the best keto supplements. This diet chart basically follows the KETO Diet.

best keto supplements

 Things You Need to Know First:

  • At first, you completely need to avoid carbohydrates. Rice, potatoes or any kind of cron should be avoided.
  • Avoid bad fats. During the period of weight loss, no need to drink milk or eat anything made of milk. But eat butter and ghee (clarified butter) because these are good fat for our body.

Many people said to avoid the yolk portion of the egg for weight loss. But it is a good fat for our body. There is no need to avoid this. You can eat the full egg.

  • Must avoid eating food from restaurants.
  • For these 14 days, avoid fruits. As fruits contain glucose and also carbohydrate that’s why avoid it. Also, avoid carrot.
  • Avoid soya bean oil. Use extra virgin olive oil or pure mustard oil for cooking.

Now I am going to give you the routine for 14 days. I have divided the routine into 2 parts by 7+7 days. So let’s see.

At first, I will name the items you have to eat in this 14 days. Then I will go for the routine.

Bullet Coffee:

This is really an energy booster. It will really make you energetic. The process of making it is very simple.

Take a cup of hot water. Then put coffee whatever the amount you like. Now put 1 tablespoon coconut oil and 1 tablespoon butter. You can add some cream with it for a good taste. Now mix them properly. Your bullet coffee is ready.

Don’t use milk.

Bullet Coffee


You can eat eggs in any way you want to eat. You can boil egg, you can make a poached egg, or you can make an omelet with butter or clarified butter. You can change it with your mood. But omelet with butter or clarified butter is good for losing weight.

After losing some weight sometimes you can make some other egg recipes like quiche or frittata. But not eat them too much. If those remain as leftovers, there is nothing to worry about. You can easily reheat them. To know the process, check kitchengeeky.



This is a very good item for diet as it is a good source of protein. And the fish oil is very good for health. Cook it in any way you want. You can use extra virgin olive oil, mustard oil, butter or clarified butter to cook it.


Any kind of spinach you can eat. This is the vital item for your weight loss as there is no element which can make you gain weight.  Eat green, red or any spinach.


You can eat vegetables. But before choosing the vegetable, check which contains less carbohydrate.


You can eat any kind of nuts like almond, peanut or any type you want. I prefer peanuts and almonds. You can eat nuts with some butter.


I will suggest to avoid it too for 14 days if you can. Red meat is strictly prohibited. If you want sometimes you can cook poultry like chicken or turkey or duck.  

So here are the items you can eat during this period. So let’s start the routine.

#1st Week

Here I will give you a chart of one day. Just follow the same pattern in the whole week.

  • Waking up: So to maintain this diet, you have to follow a lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle. Wake up at 6 am in the morning. Then run or you can do cycling for 30 minutes. Gradually increase this.
  • Gain energy: After finishing exercise freshen up and take a cup of bullet coffee. This will really give good energy to your work. Then go for your work whatever you do.
  • Breakfast: Breakfast means nothing like you have to eat in the morning. It means breaking the fast. So do your breakfast in between 11 am to 1 pm whenever you are free to eat. Do your breakfast with 2 eggs and a bowl of spinach. The egg can be cooked in any way but as mentioned before, the omelet made with butter or certified butter will be good for weight loss.
  • Cheer up: At 3 or 4 pm you can eat some nuts with butter. Also, you can eat cucumber or tomato. You can also take bullet coffee again.
  •  Supper: Within 7 pm finish your supper. You can eat fish and spinach or vegetables with eggs or meat with vegetable or spinach. It depends on what you want to eat.


So basically in your first week, you will mainly eat 2 times a day. One is your breakfast and another is your supper. Drink minimum 3 liter water per day. And finish your eating within 7 pm. In the first couple of days, you may feel it’s very difficult to do. But I can assure you that after 2/3 days, you will feel good and it won’t be that much difficult and it will serve its purpose.  

Tips: After 2nd day, mix a very little amount of salt with your water when you drink. It can be 1/3rd tablespoon for 2 glass of water. You have to do this because with our urine, salt goes out from our body. To balance this put some salt with your water.

#2nd Week  

Now the second week starts. This is nothing just a “Fasting challenge”.

So this week, you have to fast. Let me explain.

  •  Preparation: So this week the routine will be changed. Just drink 1 or 2 glass of water early in the morning at 5 or 6 am, and then you cannot eat anything.
  • Breaking fast: After passing the whole day, break your fasting at 6 pm with egg or fish or meat and obviously with spinach or vegetable. Change the menu in several ways different days. Eat nuts, bullet coffee or the other things from the food menu I mentioned before in between 6-8 pm.

That’s it. Continue this process for the 2nd week.

So here is the total diet chart for 14 days. Surely you can lose weight about 5-10 kilograms in this 14 days if you properly maintain the diet chart. You can continue the routine of the first week if you want to burn your fat more. It is not a diet chart actually. It is a lifestyle.

Hope this will help you a lot. Wish you a healthy life.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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