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Data Analytics Certification
By NITI SHARMA 3,001 views

Data Analytics Certification – The Best Career Booster

The scope for Big Data Analytics is staggering all around the world. A report by Wikibon states that the revenues of the big data market for software as well as services are going to expand from 42 Billion Dollars (2018) to 103Billion Dollars (2027). This means that there will be a 10.48% increase in CAGR. In this kind of a landscape, it is obvious for the number of data analytics job to touch the sky.

Research reveals that in the United States, we can expect to see more than two and a half million job postings regarding data science & data analytics by the year 2020. These days, companies are going bonkers over big data and related technologies. Since they have to realize how much power they can gain in the market with the correct use of data.

Organizations are aware that big data is essential for gaining a competitive advantage as it enables them to take more informed decisions. Thus, there is a growing demand for big data analytics professionals who have the capability to identify hidden patterns in large sets of complex data, look for opportunities and come up with insights to improve business performance. From a sector as perplexing as aviation to a field as simple as retail, every industry is formulating techniques to utilize big data & analytics to enhance their processes and revenues.

By now, you must have understood that this is the perfect time to build a big data analytics certification, but what you might not know is that gaining a Data Analytics Certification can be your best bet in doing so.

Big Data Analytics Certification – What makes it valuable?

I shall convey you in the simplest terms possible – Certifications in data analytics will help you land a coveted job position.

Growing in any field is not easy and especially if it is complex and fast-paced as big data analytics. Hence, you need a factor that can give you a leg up and a data analytics certification can definitely be that factor. Pursuing an informative certification program will enhance your knowledge of the subject and elevate your chances of landing a good job.

A study by Microsoft discloses that around 91% of recruiters agree that certifications do have a big role to play when it comes to selecting a candidate. Apart from imparting a plethora of relevant skills, a certification can help you stand out from the rest of the professionals who have, more or less, the same kind of job experience as you.

You can say that a Big Data Analytics is a resume improver. Once you have it, employers will be lining up to invest in you. Especially of the certification is from reputed establishments like Cloudera, DASCA or Hortonworks, you are all set to make a niche in any industry you choose to work in. So, if you wish to become a big data professional and speed up your career growth, acquire the best credential in the market.

Niti Sharma

Niti Sharma is a professional writer, a blogger who writes for a variety of online publications. She is also an acclaimed blogger outreach expert and content marketer. She loves writing blogs and promoting websites related to the education and technology sectors.

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