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5 Dance Inspired Outfits for Your 2019 Style
By MARINA THOMAS 2,874 views

5 Dance Inspired Outfits for Your 2019 Style

Believe it or not, the clothing items we see people wear every day often become popular on the dance floor, and not during a fashion show or because we found them on the racks of our favorite high-end clothing boutique. So what might seem popular now to regular people may have been popular for years in the dance world.

So, if you’re looking for high-quality dance gear, has incredible discounted options. Or maybe you’ve seen something that one of your favorite dancers wears. We recommend picking it up and incorporating it into your style.

With that said, we’ll look at five pieces of clothing with the potential to create amazing dance inspired outfits during 2019 and beyond. So stick around to find out more.

  1. Leggings

You may or may not find this surprising, but leggings are something that dancers wear all the time in practice or while they perform. They are specifically designed to help the wearer stay warm underneath a dance skirt. But they also do the trick if you’re looking to stay warm outside on a chilly spring day or cold winter night.

For a more casual look, you can wear leggings with skirts – whether they are short or long – and other casual yet trendy fashion pieces. And you’ll really make a statement about your unique and interesting style.

  1. Sneakers

Now dancers cannot take credit for the popularity of sneakers because they’ve been around for a long, long time. But hip-hop dancers always have some of the hottest sneakers around and their choices inspire many other people to buy similar kicks.

But remember, sneakers are typically used as casual footwear. More often than not, you aren’t going to wear them as a dancing shoe unless you’re into hip-hop dancing.

  1. The Duffel Bag

Again, this certainly wasn’t the creation of amateur or professional dancers and they did not bring duffel bags to their original height of popularity. But dancers are starting to bring their duffel bags with them everywhere again, and you’ll notice them slung over their shoulders all the time.

Remember, things come in and out of fashion on a regular basis. So it’s good that dancers have brought duffel bags back into the fold because they come in very handy, they’re stylish, and they’re also very casual.

  1. Leotards

Leotards serve many purposes. They are really originally designed for support, but they also look very fashionable so dancers tend to wear them casually when going shopping for groceries, or going to the movies with friends, or walking through the mall.

The 1970s were big for leotards because that’s when they made their big splash in the fashion world. Leotards that fit directly to the skin provide great coverage. But they are also lightweight, attractive, and very comfortable to wear too.

So if you’ve ever wanted to jump on the leotard bandwagon, now is the time. They are coming back into fashion as you can see.

  1. Hoodies

This one might seem odd, but dancers absolutely love to wear hoodies. In fact, they wear them regularly because they are part of their warm-up suit. Not only do they make a bold fashion statement, but they also keep bodies warm and muscles lose, so they serve dual purposes and definitely get the job done.

Final Thoughts

Fashion statements abound in the dance world. But many of us overlook the fact that so many awesome fashionable trends begin on dance floors and in dance studios all across the country and throughout the world. So if you’re looking to jump on the latest dance trends, just get your hands on any or all of the pieces mentioned above and use them to create inspiring outfits in 2019.

Marina Thomas

Marina Thomas is a marketing and communication expert. She also serves as content developer with many years of experience. She helps clients in long term wealth plans. She has previously covered an extensive range of topics in her posts, including business debt consolidation and start-ups.

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