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credit card
By GRACIE HART 1,125 views

Credit Card Essentials – What to Know Before You Apply

Receiving your first credit card is both a major accomplishment and an adjustment. It is sometimes hard to understand its specifics, especially when you don’t have a general understanding of how credit cards work and how to use them. That is why it is wise to learn its basics for an easier experience.

Take note that it’s normal for someone’s line of credit to be more than the amount of what they have in their bank. This distinguishes purchases made with a credit card from cash purchases. If you’re considering getting yourself a credit card, this article is a great starting point for you.

Understanding Credits

Buying something with a credit card means that that amount needs to be paid at a later time. While credit cards can be flexible, there are still some drawbacks, especially when your loan is not paid on time. This is just one aspect of credit cards that you should understand. Make sure that you read more about them or ask the professionals at your local banks before signing up for one.

Aside from that, do your research. Doing your research allows you to avoid rookie mistakes that first-time credit card users encounter. Looking into credit card information on resource sites and pages also helps you ensure that you are ready to own one. Make it a habit to read before diving into new things so you won’t regret it later.

Take Note of Your Credit Charges

Using a credit card eliminates the problem of overcharged charges and fraud responsibility that often happen while using debit cards. While it is true that your information can be taken from your card, most banks can identify the theft within 24 hours. With this information, you can rest assured that your savings are safe in your account.

Banks are there to protect you from unknown transactions. This is by having safeguarding technology in their systems. Although you can be charged $50 for an unauthorized credit card charge, that’s the most you’ll pay, as per federal law. All in all, when using a credit card, you don’t have to worry about being scammed or robbed.

Set Credit Card Limits

Using multiple credit cards may result in overusing them to their limits, and tracking your loans can also be difficult. Uncontrolled spending can cause too much debt that can become too much to pay over time. Do not be hasty when applying for credit cards. Ensure that you only have a few credit cards. Sometimes, having two credit cards is enough.

Be Aware of Your Credit History

Being aware of your credit history is important because a lot of banks require your record when you want to loan money. Your credit history signifies your trustworthiness in keeping up with your repayments. Doing this can also assure you that you haven’t skipped any repayment due dates.

That is why tracking your record is essential when you have a credit card. There are applications you can download on your smartphone to track your credit better. Or, if you want to be traditional, taking down notes in your journal helps, too. Do whatever method is best for you.

Pay More Than the Maximum

Paying the minimum can only cover a small amount of your current balance. If you have extra money, make sure that you are paying more than your monthly limit to ensure that you’ll be done with your debt sooner. This way, you can avoid building up your excessive balance.

Aside from that, your banker can be assured that you can pay your loans on time. A loaner who pays more than the minimum is a loaner who is less likely to run from their debt. This strengthens not only your relationship with your bank but also your image, which you can benefit from in the future.

Avoid Overstating Anything in Your Application

Do not overstate anything in your application because if you are caught lying, you can be fined and jailed. Your bank will check your details to verify your eligibility, and they’ll know if your information is false. Be honest with the information you put in your application; do not put financial figures that aren’t accurate to your reality.

It can be tempting to do so, especially if you believe this can help push your application faster. It can’t. Lying can only cause you problems. Not to mention that it doesn’t help with building your image with your bank. You don’t want to tarnish your relationship with your bank or any establishment, for that matter.

Essential Practices to Consider as a Credit Card Beginner

While credit cards are essential tools for financial independence, like any other loans, it is important to understand how they work to avoid causing yourself avoidable problems. Be wise when using your card. If you’re thinking of starting your credit journey today, apply for a low rate credit card with Great Southern Bank. Start being financially wise!


Navigating the world of credit cards can be both exciting and challenging, especially for first-time users. Understanding the basics is crucial for a smooth experience. Learn the fundamentals, such as the distinction between credit and cash purchases. Research thoroughly to avoid common mistakes and consult with professionals at your local bank.

Gracie Hart

Freelance Writer, Digital Marketer, and Content Writer

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