People place most of the items they no longer use inside of their garage. Garages are often the most accommodating and spacious areas inside a person’s home. However, not every garage has the right layout. Many homeowners have garages that are not suitable for storing large amounts of stuff. If your garage is on the smaller side, then you must find solutions to expand your garage space or reorganize your items in a way that does not require extra storage space. You can look for garage storage services that help you manage and add to your overhead garage storage. You can also review the following information for 5 creative garage storage ideas.
You do not have to push all your items into the corner. You can use the space on the walls and ceiling to remove the clutter on your floor. Hanging your tools, racks, brooms and even shovels on the wall is a great way to maximize your garage space. Use fix-mounted metal or wooden shelves or hooks on the walls to store your stuff. For smaller items or unused clothes, you can use a pegboard. Other options include hooks or wires that can hold your sports gear.
Adding an overhead storage cabinet above your garage door is a great way to utilize vacant space. Not only does an overhead garage unit hold your stuff, but it also looks creative and inventive. It is also easy to build and install above the garage door. You can move some of your stuff off the garage floor and into your overhead garage cabinet. This will free up lots of space. You may be able to move your car back into the garage.
Also, you must consider the height of your ceiling and the number of items you want to store when building your storage cabinet. You only want a certain amount of weight put on the supports. Most overhead garage cabinets offer 2 feet of storage. However, in some cases, you can modify them to create a depth of 3 feet.
Shelves are a major space saver in garages. However, the corners of the garage are often left out. Corner shelves can help you store even more of your items and help get them off the floor. With the help of existing studs, you can easily install corner shelves without spending a fortune. You can prepare them with oriented strand board or scarp plywood, provide support with cleats (1×1) and fit them in place with corner studs.
A fishing rod organizer is a great way to store the fishing rods and sticks tucked away inside your garage. To make a fishing rod organizer, you need a foam swimming pool noodle and PVC pipe. You can make a fishing rod organize yourself or hire a company that specializes in making this type of equipment.
If you have storage bins lying around your house, then you can use them to store unused clothing, seasonal equipment, and sports gear. You can also get different colored bins for specific items to identify and access them with ease.
With the help of these creative ideas, you can store and organize stuff simultaneously. These ideas are easy to apply and cheap to work on. An organized garage is not only appealing to the eyes but also makes your life easier to manage.
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