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By JOE MAILLET 1,021 views

5 Clever ways to craft your Contact Forms

The internet is abundant with millions of websites and I’m pretty sure that you’ve seen a ton of them already. Some are a few pages long, some more or less. But what’s one thing that’s common across all websites? A way to contact you. That’s right – a contact form. We tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the best web design for the entire website – the home page, the about us page, the various service pages and the rest – but when it comes to building the contact us page, we hardly pay any attention to it and treat it like its worth nothing.

When in fact, it’s totally worth spending a lot of time towards building an engaging contact form (or a contact us page). You ask why? It’s because it’s the gateway between you and the customer. That is the only way (perhaps) you’ve kept open for your potential customers to get in touch with you and that page rather be engaging lest you want to lose a potential lead.

However, with so many websites being built each day and people taking a hands-on approach to building their own websites using do-it-yourself themes and builders, it can be quite a task to create a contact page that truly speaks about your company and brand. As a WordPress development company in Mumbai, we hear our clients thoroughly before building their websites. Not only does it help us in determining the layout of the entire website – the homepage, service pages, etc., but it also helps us in understanding how the contact page is built that brings out the best of what our clients have to offer.

Here are five ways you can utilize straight away (or be inspired by and build upon) to have a contact form people will like to fill up.

1. Minimal approach

A lot of companies nowadays are using this approach. By having a minimalistic attitude adopted for the contact page, you are cutting out the clutter and thereby helping your potential lead do what they are expected to – which is, to fill the form and submit it pronto. If you have too many things going on the contact page and they are proving to be a distraction to the visitor, you may end up creating an environment that is not wholesome and run the risk of turning down a potential customer.

Having a minimal style on the contact page is quite the rage these days and you can come up with some clean looking design that looks great and does not come in the way of submitting that much-needed lead form.

2. Let creativity help:

Contact forms do not have to be boring. Corporate websites have a certain code of conduct in place and they need to project that on their websites too but that does not necessarily mean that your website needs to be a reflection of that as well. Let creativity be your inspiration and don’t be afraid to let your imagination loose. After all, a lit bit of funky animation done within accepted norms can bring alive a timid contact form. Using a splash of colors is also a great way to make them stand out and feel more lively (of course, as long as the colors you are using goes with the overall color palette you’ve chosen for your website).

3. Add some photographs:

Do you know what brings out the best out of everybody? Looking at some happy snaps. As a web design company in Mumbai, we know that photos have an inherent quality in them to connect with audiences that very few elements have. By uploading some photographs of your company, you can tell a lot about its culture, the people working there and they will be easy on the eyes too. People – even strangers – love looking at photographs and they are always fascinated by what other people are sharing through them. Adding some on your contact page will help connect your prospects at a much deeper level than you would have thought otherwise.

4. Split the screens:

Do you work for a company (or are a business owner of a company) having multiple locations? Fret not. Contact our pages do not have to be about one single location. If you have two locations, you can simply split the screen in half. One half of the page dedicated to one location, and the other half to the other. You can add whatever you feel is important from each location – photos of the location, contact details and even maps to help users find you at each location easily.

If you have more than two locations, consider a different layout approach such as advanced tabs or accordions designated for each individual location. Such a layout will make things easier for a visitor to understand and navigate to whichever location they prefer.

5. Add icons to the form:

Another amazing way to turn on some style for those drab-looking contact forms is to incorporate some unique icons. As we know, icons can be a great visual treat. If used appropriately and at correct places, they can convey a lot without you needing to explain anything in words. They can have a place on the contact page as well. When you are creating your contact form, you can insert icons in each field such as name, email, phone number etc., to bring tasteful visual elements in your otherwise run-of-the-mill contact form.

They are easily understood and your potential leads will find filling the contact form less stressful. After all, that is what you should aim for.

You can pretty much get started right away with any of the above 5 ways to bring the best out of your contact page. You have built your website with a lot of hard work and that shouldn’t come to a stop at the contact page. Incorporating some of these will provide a cosmetic lift to the page and hopefully get more leads coming in for your business.

Joe Maillet

Joe Maillet is an avid reader and a writer by heart. He is an author, freelance writer and a contributor writer, who write articles and blogs for various leading online media publications and for CEO and entrepreneurs from across the world. He keeps himself updated with the latest marketing trends and always recognized in the industry for providing solutions to B2B and B2C businesses.

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