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Content Writing

Common Types Of Content Writing

How many types of content writing do we have? The answer is a lot. And with my years of experience as a writer, I have come to realize content writing is more of different strokes for different folks. What it takes to write a unique, intriguing blog is different from copy-writing or articles. This means if you are looking to become part of creative minds working with words to create a piece of art, you need to understand the different types of content and how to master them. 

You want to write killer content that your clients will love and that will even land you more deals. First, you need to understand their needs, the type of content writing that is suitable to their needs, and how to go about it. Without this, you might find your content being rejected, your talent being undermined and clients being lost. Why? You have failed to understand the type of content to write and everything else that comes into play to make it happen. That is why I, Samuel Nathan Kahn, your well-known writer, have put together the different types of content writing you should know and master to perfection. You don’t have to struggle with winning and retaining clients anymore. 

Blog writing

Blog posts are one of the top-priority and top-performers of many brands and businesses for good reasons. Blogging allows brands to position themselves as thought leaders and experts in their respective fields. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways of providing quality, useful content to the target audience. Ultimately, it helps increase brand awareness, enhance inbound marketing, drive website traffic, attract potential customers and many more. 

A person who writes a blog is a blogger and is expected to turn any topic whether complex or simple  to an engaging, meaningful piece that will resonate with the audience. A blogger can share on a different range of topic and it can be informational, entertaining, or educational. To get started, you can start a blog of your own to not only equip you but build a portfolio that can help attract businesses and professionals. 

Article writing

Writing an article is also another effective way to share what you know and become known. While many tend to confuse article writing with blogging, a content writer should understand the differences. With blogs, you can be free as a bird all you want and employ causal, conversational or rigid and professional tone. It all depends on whatever strike your fancy and your audience. For article writing, the aim is to publish in magazines, journals and high-profile websites. Hence, the tone employed is more formal, the style is more journalistic and it’s for a large audience. The topic can be either of interest of the writer or on current trends and issues and it can be either ‘serious” or ” not-so-serious”. 


This is also another important element of effective online marketing and the aim is to persuade the target audience to take action.  Copywriters are more like the traditional salespeople with sugar-coated mouths, vested with the ability to persuade people with the power of words. From products description to sales pitch to landing pages, copywriters craft engaging and inviting contents that get readers to take actions. It can be to sign up for a newsletter, register for a program, donate, volunteer and many more. 

Social media content writing

The popularity of social media has also increased the demand for social media writers. There are billions of people on social media and engaging with them has become the key to reaping all the benefits these platforms have to offer. One way to go about this is through social media content writing. Content writers bring out interesting, consistent content that will make their social media accounts stand out while commanding likes, comments and shares. This person is like the brand representative on social platforms, engaging with the audience and promoting the brand. And as a content writer, you have to know the audience and understand posts that can work on LinkedIn, Instagram or Twitter. 

These are only common content writing types that an aspiring content writer should know. There are some other types such as technical writing, SEO writing, press release, among others that I, Sam Kahn have got my hands on and that you might also need to master to take your career to the next level. For more on writing tips, go through my page on Samuel Kahn. Enjoy!

Samuel Nathan Kahn

Samuel Nathan Kahn is a well known writer, publisher in UK working in the field for 7 years. He had worked so well in the field and earned a lot of followers.

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